The role of the Forward Together group is to engage and work with our whole school community to ensure St Bartholomew’s is a happy, safe, attractive, fun and inspiring place to learn.
2019/20 Key Initiative
Developing the school garden area and involving the whole school community in its maintenance.
Chairperson: Logan
Secretary: Breagh
Feedback from Forward Together Group Meeting October 2019
Develop garden and involve the whole school
Weed the garden, get better soil, add more planters. Each class will have an area. Will grow flowers, vegetables and fruit. Fairy doors in garden. Pebble-painting.
Competition – children paint pebbles to decorate garden. Younger children to make fairy doors. Group to contact parents within group to ask for help with fairy doors. Some parents who are joiners/ handy have already been identified. Logan to go around classes and ask children to start bringing in pebbles.
Feedback from Forward Together Group Meeting September 2019
Develop garden and involve the whole school
Weed the garden, get better soil, add more planters. Each class will have an area. Will grow flowers, vegetables and fruit. Fairy doors in garden. Pebble-painting.
Mrs McLean is in the process of buying safety gloves and tools for weeding. Group could come up with a rota that involves all children in looking after the garden at lunchtimes. Pr 7’s will supervise lunchtime working in the garden.Mrs McLean will order soil. Group to source planters with budget given by Mrs McLean.
Opening for garden to promote community involvement. Group to discuss further and decide how to make this happen
Garden Path damage/Vandalism in the garden
Path – monitor at play times and lunchtimes. Group will speak to school at assembly. Logan and Breagh.