St Bartholomews

Week beginning 2nd September 2024



Our boys and girls have had another brilliant week back at school and I am sure that this will continue for the foreseeable future.

Thank you again for supporting our uniform policy, it really makes such a difference

Again, it is wonderful to see our youngest pupils so well supported in the mornings, especially in the first few days of starting school, however, can I ask that all parents not to enter the playground in the mornings please. Thank you in advance for your support with this important request.

Thank you to our parents from primary 1-3 who attended ’Stay and Read’ sessions’. This is a great opportunity to read with your child and it really does make such a difference to progress and confidence. These sessions also allow parents and carers to see some of the wonderful work that our very committed teachers carry out on a daily basis.

Please could I ask that you contribute to walking our children to and from Church on a Wednesday morning for mass? The schedule for the year ahead has been posted on whole school Dojo pages to allow for plenty of notice to schedules. Thank you so much in advance for your support with this, it is much appreciated.


Kind regards,

Mrs Bolland

The week ahead looks like this:

Day                                                   Event (s)
Monday ·         Music tuition for P6

·         Yoga, P7 pupils

·         Mrs Bolland attending Wellbeing meeting( Teams)

·         Mrs Crielly working in P5 (am)

·         Self-evaluation meeting for teachers, 3.15pm – 4.45pm


Tuesday ·         Ms F Wong , cluster support teacher, working with pupils.

·         Mrs A Patel, school, counsellor, working with our upper              school children.

·         Ms E Henaughen, cluster resource teacher, working with           groups of children on literacy and numeracy interventions

·         Mrs Crielly and Mrs MacIntyre meeting Craig McIntyre

·         Ms McGregor, Kodaly, working with P5 pupils

·         Mrs Bolland, chronologies training 4-5pm

Wednesday ·         Learning, Teaching and Assessment conference, Airdrie              town hall

·         Mrs Crielly observing in P5

·         Eileen McGeogh visiting nursery

·         Raymond McCabe, CL&D, working with parents in The               Get Together Room.

·         Ms D Callaghan, Cluster Support Teacher, working with              children.

·         Ms E Henaughen, cluster resource teacher, working with            children.

Thursday ·         Mrs Dunn attending Seemis training, Muirfield  hub.

·         Mrs Bolland attending cluster chair meeting, Civic Centre

Friday ·         Stay and Read, P1-3.

·         Music tuition, P7

·         Mrs MacIntyre attending birth to three panel meeting.



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