St Bartholomews

Week beginning 24th June


It’s the last week of term! On behalf of all of the dedicated members of staff at St Bartholomew’s, I would like to thank all of our boys and girls and their families for their hard work and continued support. I regularly remind our pupils that St Bartholomew’s Primary belongs to the community and that it is their school- not mine! I would like to extend a heart felt wish for a relaxing and peaceful summer holiday for everyone. We all deserve it. The St Bart’s team all look forward to welcoming you back on Wednesday 14th August at 9am.

The week ahead looks something like this;

On Monday, Clare from NHS Dental team will visit us in the afternoon to ensure that all of the toothbrushing resources are in order. Thank you Clare.Our Primary 5 pupils look forward to performing for their families at 11am, where Clare from Kodaly will support the children in displaying their newly found talents. Alison from the Speech and Language therapy team will be visiting us today. All of our visitors are most welcome.

On Tuesday, Fr O’Kane will celebrate mass for our Primary 7 leavers at 1.30pm. This will be a very special and emotional occasion as this will be the last time that the Primary 7 boys and girls will gather as part of the whole school community. Mass will be followed by prize giving, and then a short assembly. The children have been working hard on this with Ms Allington and are keen to perform for their family and friends. Members from our Parish community are also invited and Fr O’Kane announced this at mass on Sunday. We are looking forward to seeing you then.

On Wednesday we look forward to putting plans in place for next year’s  classes and letters will be distributed accordingly.

On Thursday, the children are asked to come to school with crazy  hair- the more adventurous the better! Vicky from CLD  will visit this afternoon to support some of our parents.

On Friday, we say goodbye to our Primary 7 children and all of the staff and children will say goodbye with a special ‘tunnel’.School closes at 1pm. Again, I sincerely hope that everyone in our school community enjoys a very happy and relaxing holiday. I would also like to thank Mr Denis Fallen for his hard work and dedication as Chair of our Parent Council and will step down from this post as he will no longer have children at the school at the end of this session. I know that Mr Fallen is particularly proud of his contribution to ensuring the many modifications and improvements to our school building. Thank you for your wonderful contributions and support.

Mrs Bolland

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