Welcome back everyone after the 3 day break for pupils! Staff were working on Thursday in order to improve outcomes for children. I trust that all of our staff, pupils and parents enjoyed the long weekend and are now returning to school, refreshed and ready for the last leg of the final term.
On Tuesday, we welcome all of our pupils and children in the nursery, back to St Bart’s. A very special welcome is extended to our prospective Primary 1 children, who will visit their classroom and work with their new teacher- how exciting ! Parents will work with Vicky Marshall, our Community Learning and Development Officer. You are all most welcome to the St Bart’s family.Our Primary 2 to Primary 7 pupils will be taking part in assessment this week- what a great opportunity to show off all of that knowledge. Good luck boys and girls.
On Wednesday, our Primary 5 children will attend the Time Capsule for their swimming/ dry sports lessons. The children are doing really well and some are even showing particular skills. Well done boys and girls. Gaelic football finals for our Primary 7 children take place today. Again, the very best of luck from all of your friends at St Bart’s. Teaching staff will take part in training after school and will be delivered from our Education Psychologist. We look forward to this wonderful development opportunity.
On Thursday, our nursery boys and girls who will be attending Townhead Primary will pay their new school a visit- we are all excited for you! Today is Ascension Thursday and our entire school community will be attending mass at St Bartholomew’s Church for 10 o’clock mass. Thank you in advance to our parent helpers for safely supervising the children to Church.
On Friday, I will be attending the annual Primary Head Teacher’s meeting at the Bellshill Hilton. I look forward to this important event. Mrs McLean will be attending a numeracy coach meeting and will work collegiately with colleagues. Sally Wilkinson will be working with our Primary 5 children on Kodaly. We will, of course, announce our ‘Pupils of the Week’. Good luck children!
Mrs Bolland