St Bartholomews

Week beginning 29th April


Huge congratulations to all of our ‘Pupils of the week’, who were presented with their well deserved certificates on Friday. Well done boys and girls!

The week ahead looks like this at the moment;

On Monday, we welcome Mrs MacDonald from St Ambrose High School to St Bart’s who has visited on a number of occasions in order to support enhanced transition to High School. Thank you Mrs MacDonald.

On Tuesday, Fiona Ramsay, tutor from Strathclyde University will be visiting Primary 6 and Primary 4/5 . I know that MsRamsay will be made most welcome by our wonderful pupils. Our upper school pupils will be experiencing an exciting new skills- how to play cricket! This new knowledge and set of physical skills will be a welcome addition to the variety of sporting activities experienced by our boys and girls.

Our Parent Council will meet at the usual time of 6pm in the staffroom this evening. As always, all are welcome and we look forward to seeing you then.

On Wednesday, I will be attending a STEM work stream meeting in Cumbernauld. I look forward to meeting with colleagues in order to plan for improved outcomes for children.  Primary 5 will, yet again, attend the Time Capsule in Coatbridge to progress their skills in swimming and also in general fitness. The boys and girls have fully embraced and taken full advantage of this wonderful opportunity. Well done boys and girls.

On Thursday, the NHS team responsible for Primary 1 medical assessments will visit us today, where they will conduct the remainder of assessments from their last visit. Vicky from CLD will join us today, along with a parent group in order to support families. You are all most welcome.

On Friday morning, I will be sharing in the learning experiences of  Primary 2 and very much look forward to this . The boys and girls thoroughly enjoy showing off their skills and knowledge! Our Primary 5 pupils will take part in  their weekly musical experience  with Sally, our  Kodaly expert. What a talented bunch they have become! We will also be joined by Greg, who has been providing musical support at Sacramental celebrations, who will join Primary 4 in the music room for a rehearsal. Thank you Greg.

Mrs Bolland


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