St Bartholomews

Week beginning 21st January


Last week saw many new faces visit our school as part of our Primary 1 enrolment process. Our numbers are looking very healthy with our highest numbers yet for placing requests in to St Bartholomew’s. Parents and carers have obviously heard about all of the great work and support that our pupils receive. A very warm welcome to our new Primary 1 pupils and their families.

On Monday  this week, Clare from NHS Scotland dental team will visit us to ensure that our boys and girls’ teeth are healthy and looked after.  The dance after school club will also be on today. As always, please remember to provide children with appropriate kits and water bottles.

On Tuesday, myself and Mrs MacIntyre will be visiting the Literacy Base in Bellshill in order to keep up to date with current interventions so that all of our pupils progress well at their own level. A representative from Speech and Language will visit us today to support one of our pupils. I will be hosting a ‘ Family Group’ meeting in St Bartholomew’s so that Head Teachers of Schools from a similar demographic to St Bart’s can work collegiately in order to create improvements for our pupils.

On Wednesday Mrs MacIntyre will attend a collaborative meeting in a nursery in Wishaw, along with some of our dedicated staff in order to discuss improvements. Our nursery boys and girls are very lucky! Primary 3 pupils will benefit from an outdoor learning scheme that will allow children to enhance skills and knowledge.  The Netball after school club will be taking place in school today and as always, your support with appropriate kits and water bottles is much appreciated.

On Thursday, one of our nursery staff will be attending VERP training which allows for enhanced practice and as a consequence, improved outcomes for children.  Some of our younger pupils will enjoy the fun games after school club today. We are very lucky to have Kaitlyn, a former pupil, leading this club. Thank you Kaitlyn.

On Friday, we will look forward to our weekly assembly and sharing in the success of our ‘Pupil’s of the week’ , ‘ Cool Class Cup’ and winning house. Sally will be visiting us today and will be delivering Kodaly to our Primary 5 children. Boys and girls in P1 will be super excited to visit Stirling Castle, as part of their school topic. We look forward to sharing in the fun through twitter. Have fun boys and girls!

Mrs Bolland


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