I hope that parents and carers enjoyed the day off school on Monday!As it was an Inservice day, St Bartholomew’s teaching staff received training from our NHS partners on Low Intensity Anxiety Management. This will benefit our pupils and contribute towards staff development. It proved to be a very interesting and worthwhile day.
On Tuesday, a past pupil of St Bartholomew’s will be begin her student placement in our nursery. This is a special request and one that we are happy to fulfill. We are delighted to report that some parents have volunteered their time to make preparations for our Christmas Fayre this morning, and other times this week. Our pupils and staff are grateful for any help and would be very happy to see you. Either turn up unannounced or phone the office. You are most welcome! Mrs MacIntyre will be visiting NLC’s literacy base , where she will learn about the latest literacy initiatives that will benefit our pupils. We are looking forward to implementing recommended improvements.I will also be working with one of Mrs Wilson’s intervention groups in the morning and look forward to sharing in their learning.
On Wednesday, Primary 3 and Primary 4 pupils will be working with our NHS dental partners as part of the tooth varnishing programme. This is a very worthwhile project and will contribute towards good oral health. Mrs McLean and Mrs MacFarlane will both be out of school in order to contribute towards improvement in numeracy for all of our pupils. Again, we look forward to establishing how this compliments our school improvement plan.
On Thursday, Bernadette Newton, our CLD representative will be leading a SQA group in St Bartholomew’s. This is a tremendous opportunity for our parents and carers to gain qualifications that will help support them, both on a personal and professional basis. I will be attending a meeting at the Edward Lawson Centre in Wishaw to learn about current plans on the new 1140 hours initiative from Early Years. Our youngest pupils and their families will certainly benefit from these new plans. We welcome coaches from Celtic Football club today, who will be working with Primary 6 pupils. Our children thoroughly enjoy this time to enhance their skills and knowledge.
On Friday, all of our teaching staff will receive Number Talks training from NLC’s Numeracy team. This will provide our pupils with a greater understanding of how to apply a number of strategies in order to work out a wide variety of concepts and potentially improve attainment.
Finally, any contributions, however small that parents and carers can make towards our Christmas Fayre would be very gratefully received. Thank you in advance. We look forward to using the money from this fundraiser to support pupil experiences such as school trips etc.
Mrs Bolland