A very warm welcome back after the October break and I look forward to catching up with everyone’s news!
Huge congratulations to our Primary 6 pupils who performed a wonderful assembly on the last day of term, based on their topic of the ‘80’s. It was a fabulous display of talent, lead very ably by Mrs MacFarlane. Parents and carers thoroughly enjoyed themselves, a few of which experienced a trip down memory lane. Well done boys and girls!
Vikki Sadler, our NLC Active School’s co-ordinator visited us to help and advise our support staff on creating interesting games and activities in the playground. We look forward to their imminent introduction.
Could I please ask that children return sponsor forms and money from our annual fundraising event, the sponsored obstacle course? This will help to fund important resources and activities for all of our pupils. Thank you in advance for your cooperation with this important matter.
The week ahead includes Childsmile visiting St Bartholomew’s on Monday and they will be administering fluoride varnish to our Primary 1 to Primary 4 pupils. We are very lucky to have this input as prevention of tooth decay is crucial at this important stage of children’s development.
On Wednesday, our parent volunteers are hosting our annual Halloween disco. Primary 1 to Primary 3 pupils’ disco starts at 6.15pm and finishes at 7.15pm. Primary 4 to Primary 7 pupils’ disco starts at 7.30pm and finishes at 8.30pm. Children will be entertained by music and games from a DJ, enjoy treats and ‘dooking for apples’.Prizes will be awarded for ‘best costumes’ and we look forward to seeing inventive and creative designs! Children can purchase tickets from the office where Mrs Dunn and Mrs Clare are only too happy to assist.
A huge thank you in advance to our parent volunteers who decorate the hall and organise all the fun on the night. There is still scope for parents to volunteer an hour or so of their time on the evening of the disco- please phone the office to let us know. This help is very much appreciated and essential to the organisation of disco’s and other such parent led events.Thank you.
Fr O’Kane and myself will be hosting a sacramental preparation meeting in the school, in the very near future. I will keep you informed with a date and time shortly.
Mrs Bolland