This very talented young lady appeared in my office, laden with certificates, medals and a trophy. This is as a result of all of her hard work work and dedication in dance. Watch this space for more great news about a potential career in dance!
Our Primary 7 pupils will be visiting St Ambrose on Monday and Tuesday this week. They will make their own way there and back and it is very much a trial run to the start of their High School career in August. This is a great opportunity for the children to be more independent, follow their timetable and meet new friends. We are all looking forward to hearing about their experiences on Wednesday.Good luck boys and girls.
As you know, this week is STEM week and their are is a huge variety of events and activities lined up for our pupils. This is a great way of introducing and developing skills and knowledge about STEM subjects, which will be very much the direction in future careers.
Cheerleading after school club takes place today for our younger pupils in Primary 1 and Primary 2. Please remember appropriate kits and water bottles please.
The National mass will take place on Thursday of this week in Falkirk Stadium. All Catholic schools in Scotland will be represented at this celebration and the main theme will be marking the one hundred year anniversary of Catholic Schools in Scotland. Our Primary 7 pupils, who have received a full commendation from their Pope Francis Faith award will be representing St Bartholomew’s Primary.
Mrs Bolland