Apologies that the leaflet above is a little worse for wear! Our Primary 7 House Captains put them to good use when visiting all of our classes to publise the Easter Football Camp , held at Albion Rovers football ground. This is a great opportunity to support your local football team, keep fit, meet friends and generally have fun! The Mark Millar foundation is sponsoring 5 children from both St Bartholomew’s Primary and Townhead Primary to attend for a whole week.I will let the lucky boys and girls who they are tomorrow. Thank you Mark and Lucy for thinking about us, it is much appreciated.
Our lucky winners from the Easter basket competition were delighted that their efforts had been rewarded and were especially excited about the lovely Easter egg that they won. Every child was rewarded with a creme egg to take home, whether 5hey had an Easter Basket or not. We even managed to give all of our staff a creme egg, who I know appreciated the wee sugar boost on a Friday afternoon. Thank you everyone for all of your efforts this week!
As you know, it’s Holy Week and to Mark this very special time in the Church’s calendar, we have asked Fr James to celebrate mass in the school for our entire Parish community. We would encourage you to join us in this celebration of the liturgy and hope to see you at 10am.
Mrs Bolland