St Bartholomew’s Primary and Nursery Class complies with the Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2009.
North Lanarkshire Council’s policy is contained within ‘Support for Learning – Policy into Practice’, a copy of which is available in the school. The school also has a Support for Learning policy, which is consistent with North Lanarkshire Council guidelines.
Throughout their school career, there are times when children may require additional support in order to achieve their full potential. To help ensure that we identify and respond promptly and effectively to all additional needs within the school, the Head Teacher meets once a term with each class teacher to discuss the progress of pupils. An audit of all pupils in the school is also carried out on an annual basis to ensure the needs of every child are identified and met.
In line with North Lanarkshire Council policy, St Bartholomew’s has a staged intervention approach to supporting children with additional support needs:
Level 1
When we identify a child as requiring support, we provide additional support and resources within the classroom setting.
Level 2
Where additional support needs are more significant, we provide support from out with the classroom, but within the school. This usually takes the form of a Principal Teacher working with the child on a one-to-one basis or in a small-group setting.
Level 3
In some cases, additional support needs may require resources or expertise from professionals out with the immediate school setting, but within the education department (e.g. the Sensory Support Service or Educational Psychologist).
Level 4
Where a child is identified as requiring support from services out with education, a Co-ordinated Support Plan will usually be put in place.
If the school feels a child requires an Additional Support Plan or Coordinated Support Plan, parents will be consulted and kept informed at all stages. ASP’s and CSP’s are reviewed on a regular basis.