St Bartholomews

24th September 2020


As you know our pupils have settled back in to school life at St Bartholomew’s very well and  I am sure that they will enjoy sharing their news with you on a daily basis.
Thank you in advance to all of our parents and carers who have been incredibly supportive of all of the government guidelines in relation to COVID. It is much appreciated and essential to everyone’s safety which is of course our number one priority.
Could I ask that all contact details are all up to date as access to our text service and app is based on this information. Please ensure that you have access to DOJO, our blog, Twitter, text service and app as most of our communication will be through email.
It is also worth a reminder to all of our parents and carers to be mindful of social distancing at the gates and clear the entrance to the gate so that children can enter and exit safely. Thank you in advance for your cooperation with this and will ensure that all of our pupils are safe.

Should a parent require to pick their child up from school, could you please wear a mask if you are entering our playground? In the event that your child is late for school, please phone the school office to make arrangements.

On another note,  we have scheduled a Parent Council meeting on Wednesday 30th September and this will be virtual due to current circumstances. This will very much be a trial meeting, hence the reason it’s only the committee that are invited at this time and we will open up the meetings next month. As always, all are welcome and we look forward to new members, especially our new parents in Primary 1.
Our whole school assemblies are also virtual at the moment and the children have been thoroughly enjoying them. ‘ Pupils of the week’ are announced and celebrated throughout the school, in addition to house points and ‘Cool Class Cup’. Points are always awarded for full school uniform and good manners. The children have been fantastic in respect to demonstrating good manners and respectful behaviour- they are a credit to their families and themselves!

Flu immunisation will take place in school for Primary 1 to Primary 7 on Thursday 8th October. Again Parent’s evening will be very different this year and we will keep you up to date with this shortly. Our annual book Fayre will still be available, albeit on a COVID safe basis. No monies will be taken in school. Books requested will be paid for through the same portal as school meals. Simply click on ‘shop’ – Book Fayre payment is just the same as paying school meal sample of books on sale will be sent via email leaflet. You can also look at books online Scholastic Book Fayre.
Government guidelines highlight that children should be outdoors for interval time and lunch time in all but extreme weather. Could I please ask that all children come appropriately dressed each day with a raincoat/ cagoule and sensible footwear? As you know, children love to be outdoors and the benefits to both their physical and mental health are incredibly positive.
We have been working on enhancing our digital learning offering and as such teaching staff have been working on their various  Glow pages. A new addition to our digital offering is the use of OneNote. This is basically a digital jotter and allows for children’s work to be corrected and feedback to be acted on. The Digital School is also an enhancement to digital learning and it is on pupil pages. Our teachers have also been working on updating virtual classrooms so that in the event of self isolation or any given situation that creates a given period of time away from school, children have access to quality learning. Instructions will be available to all of parents and carers to help support gaining access to these various tools.

As always, thank you for your continued support and please be rest assured that we are always here to help.

Mrs Bolland

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