St Bartholomews

Week beginning Monday 16th March



Congratulations to our fabulous upper school pupils who have enjoyed continuous success!

Last week was another busy week in St Bartholomew’s Primary. Fr O’Kane visited us on Tuesday to hear confessions for our P4 to P7 pupils, this was especially important as it is the very special season of Lent . Our Primary 3’s were a credit to themselves and their families on Tuesday evening as they celebrated the sacrament of Reconciliation in St Bartholomew’s Church. Their singing was so well received that we asked them to perform one of their beautiful hymns during assembly on Friday. They were superb! I also visited Primary 5 last week and shared in the children’s learning in financial education-the children knows so much about keeping their money safe. Well done boys and girls. I attended a  family group lead’s meeting and worked collaboratively with colleagues across the  authority. On Friday, Ms McCleery from Strathclyde University visited P6a and was very impressed with our wonderful boys and girls.

Please remember to look for our most recent newsletter in your child’s bag as it provides you with up to date important information on recent events and the coming weeks ahead.

The week ahead looks like this:

On Monday, the NLC mini sports event at the Time Capsule for our  Primary 3 pupils will not go ahead for our pupils due to lack of parent volunteers. I am sure that we can look forward to other events in the future.

On Tuesday, the annual book fair will arrive in school and a huge thank you to parent volunteers for supervising this. Children always look forward to choosing books in advance of Parent’s evening. Our NHS partners will be visiting us today in order to carry out P1 and P7 dental checks. Ms Doyle will attend her  practitioner enquiry group today. I will be Chairing interviews in school today and will be joined with colleagues from our cluster group. I will also be later attending a  Cluster meeting at  St Ambrose High and will keep you up to date with any significant information.

On Wednesday, our book fair remains in school for children to choose books and accessories in advance of Parent’s evening, Our Community Artist’s group will be with us this morning and we look forward to welcoming them, as always.

On Thursday,  the Incredible years programme lead by the CAMHS team will be continuing in our Get Together room and we look forward to seeing all of our parents and carers who are involved with this group. I will be  visiting P1/2 , where I will share in the learning with Mrs MacLean, focusing on handwriting and grammar.  Sports leaders from St Ambrose High will be working with P6a today and the children look forward to some fantastic activities.  Parent’s evening Will take place today and as always, please ensure you book your appointment through the online system. We look forward to seeing you then.

On Friday, I will attend an Early Year’s panel meeting at Kildonan Street.The scheduled trip to  Primary trip to the Science Centre for our Primary 1 pupils has been postponed- we will keep you up to date with new arrangements.

Mrs Bolland

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