Last week was another very week in St Bartholomew’s. Our Parent Council and other volunteers are starting to organise our Christmas Fayre and have been in touch with local businesses to encourage donations. Thank you to those of you who have already donated toys, bottles and toiletries, this is very much appreciated and as you know, the monies raised from the Christmas Fayre contributes towards school trips and keeping the price of these as low as possible. Could we please ask that as many parents and carers as possible contribute something to our Fayre, no matter how small, all donations are gratefully received. Thank you in advance everyone!
On Monday, it’s our first In service day, where all of our staff are involved in development activities, for the benefit of our pupils. Moderation activities take place in the morning and continued Seal training will take place in the afternoon in order to develop numeracy and raise attainment for all of our pupils.
On Tuesday, a number of staff are undertaking ‘Incredible years’ training in order to support both our pupils and their families.
On Wednesday, Claire from NHS dental team will visit us and support our pupils’ dental and oral health. I will be meeting with a National Improvement Framework Stem group so that all pupils in North Lanarkshire benefit from the latest research and initiatives in this arena.
On Thursday, Sally Wilkinson will work with our Primary 5 children to deliver Kodaly- our boys and girls are making such wonderful progress. I will be attending a cluster meeting at St Ambrose High in order to discuss educational issues that affect all pupils within the cluster. Our cookery parental workshop with CLD will take place at 3.15pm today and I know that both parents and children thoroughly enjoyed their time together last week. Long may it continue! We welcome one of our parents to take part in Low Anxiety Management training to support one of our pupils.
On Friday, one of our partner agencies from NHS physiotherapy will visit us today in order to support one of our pupils in Primary 1. Our Education Psychologist will visit our nursery today to support our youngest children. P7 assembly will be rescheduled to another date – information will follow shortly.
Mrs Bolland