We have had a very successful start to the new session, the children have quickly adapted to settling back in to school life. Long may this continue! Term 1’s newsletter will be with you shortly, and will include significant dates for upcoming events. Our various communication methods will continue and you will be informed of school events through our weekly blog, termly newsletter, text system and class dojo.
The week ahead looks like this:
On Monday, we will begin collecting house points again! For new Primary 1 parents, children are assigned a house group and will be a member of either Drumpellier, Monklands, Lochend or Summerlee. All staff in school award points to individual children for demonstrating excellent manners and behaviour.Our Primary 7 pupils take note of these points on a Friday and read them out to the whole school at assembly. The winning house receive an extra playtime and there are termly ‘special prizes ‘ for the house who have accumulated a number of weekly wins. For example, at the end of last term, the winning house were given a fantastic picnic outside, with goody bags to take home. Please encourage your child to gain as many points as they can.
On Tuesday, we will be visited by our link Education Psychologist, Mrs Kinniburgh, who will be supporting some of our children in our nursery. We look forward to welcoming her to St. Bartholomew’s.
On Thursday, Vicky Marshall from Community Learning and Development will be visiting us in order to support some of our families. Vicky works with a number of parents and children in both the nursery and school and is an invaluable asset to our community. Thank you Vicky.
On Friday, we will attend 10 o’clock mass at St Bartholomew’s Church in order to celebrate the feast of our patron saint. Fr O’Kane has very kindly arranged for a visiting Priest to celebrate this very important mass for the school community. Thank you Fr O’Kane. We look forward to marking this feast day appropriately. As always, we require parent volunteers to supervise the children on the walk to Church. Please phone the school office to confirm your support with this.
We will also be visited by Sally Wilkinson, who delivers the Kodally music programme. This has been a huge success and Sally organised a fantastic performance, where the children presented their new skills and talents to their families at the end of last session.
Mrs Bolland