As you can see from our photographs above, the talent continues at St Bartholomew’s! Trophies were awarded for dancing and a medal awarded for skills in running at the Santa dash. Well done boys and girls.
On Monday, we welcome Clare from NHS Lanarkshire dental team. Thank you for all of your help with toothbrushing. Our pupils really benefit from your input.Mr Graham from the SAM group will also be visiting us to help some of our pupils with digital technology. A representative from SCIAF shall be delivering a Pope Francis Faith Award workshop with our upper school pupils.
On Tuesday, Mrs Brown and Ms Fallon will be researching some effective ideas in outdoor play at other establishments in NLC. Good luck ladies…Mrs McLean will be supporting the recruitment process of prospective students to Strathclyde University as a member of the interview panel for those wishing to establish a career in teaching. I am sure that this will be a very interesting experience.
On Wednesday, Primary 4 to Primary 7 pupils will be performing our annual Christmas Concert on the stage at 1.45pm, doors will open at 1.30pm.Tickets are available from the office. I have heard the children during rehearsals and can assure you that you are in for a treat! Raffle tickets will also be available at the door and your support with this is very much appreciated.
On Thursday, it’s the panto! Mark and Lucy Millar are supporting this fabulous event for all of our pupils. We are very grateful for the tickets and the children absolutely love it. The performance at the Pavillion theatre is Cinderella this year, and the children will look forward to a visit from the cast at the end of the show. What a great opportunity! Again, a huge thank you to Mark and Lucy for their continued support with funding this super event.
On Friday, the Nursery are hosting their annual Christmas Nativity play at 9.30am and 2pm in order to accommodate both morning and afternoon children. Again, I have been lucky enough to hear rehearsals and the children sound great, well done boys and girls!
Mrs Bolland