St Bartholomews

Wednesday 2nd May


We have received fabulous feedback from the parents and carers who have been attending the maths supported study class that takes place after school. This is a fantastic opportunity for our boys and girls to enhance their numeracy skills, and be able to start St Ambrose High School with confidence. A huge thank you to the continued support from all the parents and carers who have faithfully attended these sessions. All of this would be unable to take place without the input from our loyal and dedicated staff- thank you.

#PopeFrancis asks people to join him May 1 praying the rosary for peace, especially in Syria, and to pray the rosary each day in May with peace as the intention.

I have received many congratulations from parents, carers and school partners regarding my recent appointment to permanent Head Teacher of St Bartholomew’s. I am very touched and truly grateful for all of this positive support- thank you everyone!

Mrs Bolland


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