Cluster Primary Head Teachers from both St Ambrose and St Andrew’s attended a spiritual reflection at the Diocesan Centre in Motherwell. This was a lovely experience and a valuable input, especially at this time of year. Bishop Toal presented us with the beautiful commemoration that you can see above. The 2018 Centenary Celebrations have been an integral part of the diocese planned events this year and there are many more planned for the very near future.
Primary 4/5 had a fabulous time at Tullie House in Dumfries yesterday and you can catch up with photographs and video clips on twitter.
Primary 6/7 and Primary 7 are also leaving St Bartholomew’s today – just for the day… They will be visiting the People’s Palace in Glasgow and again this trip is linked to topic work. I know that the children are thoroughly looking forward to experiencing the interactive activities that this outing will provide. Keep your eye on twitter for pictures!
Mrs Bolland