St Bartholomews

Thursday 15th March


It’s Parent’t Evening! If you have not made an appointment to see your child’s teacher, please contact the office and Mrs Dunn and Mrs Clare will be happy to help.This is very much a school community event and so many people contributors it’s success. Thank you to our parent helpers who have helped out with the book fair- the children always thoroughly enjoy and look forward to it. I’m sure that many of our boys and girls will be rewarded with a book from mums and dads, after a wonderful report from their teacher…

A huge thank you to all of our staff who go the extra mile at this time to  help parents book and set up appointments, set up the hall and foyer and spend considerable time preparing jotters, folders and reports to mums and dads.I very much appreciate all of this extra effort and I know that our parents and carers share that view. Thank you everyone.

Please try to come along to mass this morning, as Fr James will be celebrating  mass at 8.30am in our Oratory.

Mrs Bolland

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