Our Primary 3 boys and girls celebrated the sacrament of Reconciliation last night. The children were wonderful and it was very obvious that all of their hard work and preparations had paid off. This is a very important step in their faith journey, prior to First Holy Communion and Confirmation. A huge thank you to both Mrs McAdams and Mr Morgan.
Our Primary 5 boys and girls had their final session of swimming lessons at the Time Capsule yesterday. They have thoroughly enjoyed their time there and learned some very important skills for life. A huge thank you to our parent helpers ,who have been a super support to the school in escorting the children safely to the Time Capsule. It is very much appreciated. The high school sports leaders will be back in St Bart’s today, working with our upper school pupils. This is another great opportunity to learn new skills and meet new people!
A wee reminder that parents evening will take place tomorrow from 3.15pm until into the evening. The vast majority of parents and carers have used our online booking system very effectively, from the comfort of their own homes. A much more convenient system!
As always, we will ask you to take part in a survey , to help inform of us of what we need to improve , in order to make St Bartholomew’s an even better place to learn. Parents and carers will also have the opportunity to comment in children’s Learning Journey Folders and see some wonderful examples of work, across the curriculum. Our Parent Council members will also be on hand to recruit new members and give an insight into the great work that this group do. Please consider joining this great group…
Fr James will be celebrating mass in our beautiful Oratory on Thursday at 8.30am. As always, all are welcome.
Mrs Bolland