Our Primary 6/7 pupils will be receiving some input from the junior sports leaders from the High School. This is a mutually beneficial exercise,as the young people from the high school increase their leadership skills and our Primary 6/7 boys and girls learn new skills and knowledge related to fitness. Well done everyone!
A reminder that Parents evening is next Thursday, 15th march. The eagle eyed amongst you will have noticed, from our termly newsletter that the original date for this was the 8th of March. We rescheduled,as St Ambrose are holding their parents evening then and as many of you have children enrolled there, we thought that it would be more convenient to move this event. As per the arrangements from the previous parents evening, we will maintain the same on line booking system. I know that a number of our parents and carers enjoyed the convenience of booking appointment with their child/ ren’s teacher on line.
As tradition dictates, we will have the book fayre in school on the same week as Parent’s Evening. We will schedule a timetable so that all of our pupils have the opportunity to think about the choice of book that they may make.
Mrs Bolland