St Bartholomews

Monday 19th February


Yesteday was the first Sunday of Lent and included the shortest gospel in the entire lectionary. However, although this gospel is brief, it contains a very important message on  temptation. During His forty days in the wilderness, Jesus experienced temptation and turned to the angels to support and guide Him. This brings the message home to us, as mere mortals, that we should be calling on our own Guardian Angel to assist us when we experience and /or are unable to resist temptation. If Jesus needed the help of the angels, then how much more so we need their help?

Clare from the NHS dental team is visiting St Bartholomew’s today and will check that we have everything that we need to successfully carry out toothbrushing, across the school. We appreciate Claire’s help and support with this very important task.

A wee reminder that the dance after school club is on today and that children are appropriately equipped with kits and water etc.

John Wilson photography will be visiting us on Thursday this week to take  the annual Primary 1 photograph,  this will provide a very special momento of this important stage of the children’s lives . They will also take a class photograph  of  our Primary 7 pupils , which will again provide an invaluable means of being able to look back at this special time in St Bartholomew’s Primary School.Finally, they will take a whole school photograph. It is worth noting that individual photographs or nursery photographs will not be taken at this time.

Mrs Bolland

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