Wednesday 6th May – Primary 5

Good Morning,

I hope that you’re well, have had breakfast and are ready to go!

Let’s begin with the morning prayer:

God our Father, as we prepare to begin our day’s work, we ask you to help us to use properly the many gifts you have given us so that we may fully benefit from our day together. Amen.

Health and Wellbeing

So far this week we’ve completed a Spanish Hula and a French Disco. Today we’re going to focus on yoga and specifically on yoga poses.

Have a look at the following and start practising:



Today you are going to read an extract from, ‘Why the Whales Came,’ by Michael Morpurgo. Once you have read the text, please answer the questions. The answers will be published tomorrow.

I hope that you enjoy it!

Why the Whales Came 1


We have another verse for Macavity the Mystery Cat, this time from Hollie! This time Macavity has been seen in St. Barbara’s!

Macavity in St Barbara’s by Hollie


Fantastic work, Hollie!! Well done!

Please keep sending your verses in to me, Primary 5!



Yesterday you worked on some place value calculations. Please find the answers below:

Place Value Answers

The Place Value Bronze and Silver Challenge!

Please select a challenge below. If you’re really keen, you can do both!

The answers will be posted tomorrow…along with the Gold Challenge. Good luck!


Place Value Bronze and Silver Challenge



Yesterday I asked you to make a May Altar. I hope that you managed to do that – I am looking forward to seeing some pictures.

Today your task is to say a decade of the Rosary in front of your May Altar. In school I ask you to think of a person or a group of people you would like to remember in your prayers. Think of someone special or a group of people….perhaps you might like to pray for yourself.

Settle quietly:

Make the Sign of the Cross, then say:  Our Father , Hail Mary (ten of these), Glory be to the Father, St. Barbara, pray for… (three times) and make the Sign of the Cross again.

To help you I have posted the Hail Mary in English and in Spanish.


Learning Grids

Please select one task from the Learning Grid.

We have come to the end of our learning tasks for today! I am sure that you have worked really hard so it’s time for a rest and a play! Enjoy your evening everyone and I’ll see you tomorrow.





Wednesday 6th May- Primary 7

Hello Primary 7 🙂,

As this is a short week, with no school on Friday, that means we are more than half way through the school week so let’s keep working hard for these last 2 days. I hope you have all had breakfast and are ready to begin your day. It looks like it’s going to be a sunny day today so that should put a big smile on everyone’s face. Make sure you get out in the garden today and make the most of the sunshine ☀️.

We begin our day as always by saying our morning prayer. Close your eyes and ask Our Lady, during her special month, to continue to protect and guide us during these uncertain times.

In class on a Wednesday morning we normally watch Newsround and discuss some of the news items with our peers. This morning I would like you to watch Newsround and discuss something that you learned with someone in your household.

Here is a link to today’s learning activities-

Wednesday 6th May

These are some of the resources that you will need to support you with today’s activities-

I’m in mum’s bad books

Postcard template

Space Invaders

Space Invaders- Answers

Who wants to be a millionaire

I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday.

Mrs Butler 🌈

I thought this was a nice little thought for a Wednesday…

This won’t be forever, things will return back to normal eventually. Try your best to stay positive!

Primary 1a – Wednesday 6th May

Good morning boys and girls, I hope you have been enjoying the lovely weather and getting some fresh air and exercise. Let’s begin today with a Hail Mary as May in the month of Mary.

Literacy – join in with your Jolly Phonics songs for your initial sounds and phonemes – th, sh, ch, ng and wh.

Common words – read all of the common words in your word tin to a parent or someone at home. Put them into two piles. The first pile should be all the words that you can read really well and the second pile, the ones that are trickier for you – practise these ones even more this week. On Monday Mrs Connolly asked you to focus on some common words, continue to practise these words using fun spelling.  You can write them in chalk, using play doh, shaving foam, pasta, flower spelling or any fun way you can think of.

Reading – I have assigned you all a new book to read.  Firstly, listen to your story then read it aloud to a family member.  At the end of the story there is a quiz, choose three questions from the quiz and write the answer in a sentence (copy and complete).  Remember, to write in a sentence you need to have a capital letter at the start and full stop at the end.  If you did not receive an email from me with your child’s login details please contact me:

Numeracy – Let’s start with some fun at the zoo.

Now try counting in 2’s to 20.

Can you count backwards from 30 to 1?

Write these numbers in your jotter from the lowest to the highest, put them in the correct order.

General – 9, 15, 4, 7, 19, 6, 2 ,18                               12, 20, 2, 8, 5, 14, 10, 16

Challenge – 12, 25, 18, 42, 36, 4, 21, 40                   50, 23, 14, 39, 6, 16, 30, 1


Health and well-being – please select two or three cards from the fitness challenge to complete in your garden today if possible.


RE– May is the month of Mary, the mother of Jesus and in school we would usually make a beautiful altar in class dedicated to Mary.  Can you colour this picture of Mary for your own altar or draw a picture of Mary?


Well done for all of your super work boys and girls, keep it up!

Mrs MacLeod 😁


Wednesday 6th May 2020

Good morning primary 3,

I hope you are all safe and well. I am missing you all very much.


Warm up:

Please cut and paste the link below to access ‘daily 10’. This will give you 10 mental maths questions to complete in your jotter.

Please select the addition option.

You can choose which level you would like to try but please choose from level 1, 2 or 3. You can also select how much time you would like to complete each question. We will try to build this up over the next

Today we are going to continue with our addition revision.

Please select the same colour you chose yesterday and click on the link below to access today’s tasks.

Addition Red

Addition Amber

Addition Green


Please click the link below to access a reading task for your assigned book this week. Remember you can access your book on the Scholastic website.

Peanut Butter Rhino

Science Fair Friends

From Zero to Hero

When you have completed your reading task I would like you to  choose 8 common words from your list. Can you spell them out loud?

Now we are going to look at verbs.

Can you remember what a verb is?

Here is a picture of our class poster to help remind you.

Verbs definition poster | Teaching Resources

Have a look through the Power Point and then choose one of the tasks to complete.

Remember you do not have to print the worksheet, you can just copy the sentences into your jotter.

Verbs Power Point

Verbs Task

Health and Wellbeing

Today lets do some P.E.

Lets try the 5-a-day Hula video.

It is great exercise and fun at the same time.


Remember to pray each day. As it is May, the month of Mary, we should take the time to say a Hail Mary each day.

The Hail Mary! | Prayers to mary, Praying the rosary, Prayers

Now I would like you to create your own Hail Mary prayer poster. You can write out the prayer nice and neatly and include pictures. You may wish to do this in colour. Can you display your prayer poster on the May altar you created last week?

I would love to see some pictures.

Have a lovely day Primary 3 and I will speak to you soon.

Miss McMullen


Tuesday 5th May 2020

Good morning primary 3,

I hope you had a lovely day yesterday.

Well done to everyone who has been sending in pictures. They all look fantastic!

Lets start today with our morning prayer. Remember to thank God for keeping us safe and well  as well as asking him to look after all of those who are sick at this time.


Warm up:

Please write down the following numbers in your jotter.

  1. The number before 34
  2. The number after 89
  3.  The number in between 58 and 60
  4. The before 99
  5. The number after 80
  6. The number in between 40 and 51

Today we are going to be revising Addition.

Can you remember any of the addition strategies we learned in class?

Click on the link below to remind you.

Addition Strategies

Now I would like you to choose one of the activities below. Remember to think very carefully before you make your decision. You can use whichever addition strategy works for you.

Addition Red

Addition Amber

Addition Green



Choose 2 phonemes from your revision list. Create a phoneme flower in your jotter for each one.

Choose 3 words from each flower and write a sentence for them in your jotter.


Log in to Scholastic using the link below.

Read your assigned book for this week and complete the quiz.

Can you spot any of your phoneme words within the story?

List them in your jotter.

If you still don’t have your spelling list or Scholastic log in then please send me an email and I will send them to you.

Health and Wellbeing

Today I would like you to continue with your ‘Meaningful May’ calendar.

Today it is asking us to send a picture to friends or family of a time we enjoyed together. Instead of sending a picture  I would like you to draw a picture of a time you enjoyed with your family and show it to them. If this person does not live in your house then please keep it f until the next time you see them.

Please do not send photos to anyone without permission from an adult.

If your are able, go for a walk today. I am going to complete the scavenger hunt below and I thought you might like to join in.

Free Monkey Wellbeing Posters & Leaflets for Schools & Wards

Have a lovely day boys and girls and keep sending in those pictures.

Stay Safe!
Miss McMullen

Primary 1b- Tuesday 5th May

Good morning boys and girls😀

I hope that you are all well and enjoyed your weekend.🌟

I had a quiz on zoom with all of my family members on Friday night. It was lots of fun and it was a beach theme! I miss not being able to go and visit them but it was great to see their funny faces on the television and have a little chat! 📺

I am missing you all too but just now you are keeping me smiling with all of your amazing work and photographs! You are all doing so well with home learning❣

We will begin our day by saying a Hail Mary. I would like you to pray especially for Mrs Haughey and all of her family today.🙏🏻

Here is today’s overview:


Below I will include any additional information that will help to support your child with the tasks that I have assigned for today.


Jolly Phonics 🎵- initial sounds a-z plus sh, th, ch, ng and wh

Phoneme- ng words 💪 


Jumbled sentences 🧩 

Jumbled Sentences

Reading- Scholastic 📚

Most people have sent me an email and have been reading their assigned books on Scholastic. If you haven’t been able to access this resource yet and would like your child’s login details, please send me an email. or


Numberblocks- Double Trouble! 👬👬

Doubles Addition Facts Song 🎶 

Topmarks- Hit the Button 🎯

Ladybird Doubles 🐞

Ladybird Doubles

Addition to 12 ➕


Challenge- Addition to 20➕



Today you can choose how you wish to stay active.  Will you join Jump Start Jonny or Joe Wicks? Will you dance away to your favourite songs on Go Noodle or go out on your bike? It’s up to you!

I have also uploaded some challenges for you to try to complete each week.


R.E- Good Shepherd Sunday🙏🏻

Art 🎨 🖌

I thought you might like to try out these fun and easy drawing tricks. All you need is your hand, pencil and pens! Get creative and have fun!

I hope you have a great day boys and girls!

Remember if you need me or want to ask any questions, just send me a little email or comment below. ✉

I am working in the hub again tomorrow so I will be back posting on our page on Thursday. Remember you can choose activities from the new May early level home learning grid.

Stay safe and keep smiling Superstars!🌟

Miss McEleney😀🌈❣️









P4/3 Tuesday 5th May

Good morning everyone, I hope you are well and are looking forward to the day ahead. Have you brushed your teeth and made your bed?

Let’s start with our morning prayer and today we will say a special Hail Mary and the Eternal rest prayer for all those who have died recently.

Eternal rest, grant unto them O’Lord

And let perpetual light shine upon them,

May they rest in peace,



As it is the month of May, we would be organising and creating an altar in class.  We would have a statue of Our Lady and lovely pictures of Mary and some beautiful flowers.  Below is a little art activity for you to have a go at making your own flowers, there are lots of good ideas on this website. My girls and I did some of these yesterday and they were good fun. However, if you would rather draw or paint some flowers then that is fine also.

Flower Crafts for Kids

It would also be nice if you could say a Hail Mary every night before bedtime during the month of May.


Yesterday, I gave P3 their phoneme for this week and the P4’s got some common words.

P3 – If you have play doh, why not spell out the phoneme words using the play doh.  Use one colour for “oe” and add the surrounding letters.  If you don’t have any play doh, can you use something else around the house? Eg spaghetti, buttons, pipe cleaners

  • If none of the above, you can paint or draw the words.

P4 – Write a sentence for each of your common words.  Underline your common word.  Use your spelling strategies to help you spell them. Eg. How many syllables does it have?

Using the reading book you chose last week, write a summary of your book so far. I’d like to know what your reading.

  • What’s the title and who is the author?
  • Where and when is it set?
  • Who are the main characters?
  • What’s happening?

What do you think might happen next?


When we are doing division, we need to make sure that we are confident with our times tables.  Remember that division is the inverse of multiplication.

In this short video you will see that knowing her times tables helps the superhero find out the answer quickly.  Have a look:

Carrying on with division, here is a game about sharing.

This next game is on a timer and it is good fun.  When you click the link, input the times table from 1-6 and go!


Have a great day boys and girls, the weather is going to be nice for the next few days, so make sure you get out for some fresh air if you can.  Why not design an obstacle course for PE? I know you all enjoyed when we got the apparatus out in the gym hall last term.

Miss you all very much.

Mrs Graham 🙂



Primary 6 – Tuesday 5th May

Good morning Primary 6,

Here are the answers to yesterday’s maths questions.


a) 93  b) 111 c) 64  d) 95

e) 120  f) 133  g) 202  h) 139

i) 450  j) 640  k) 630  l) 1710

m) 7,700  n) 5,000  o) 5,600  p) 9,400


a) 13  b) 25  c) 19  d) 13

e) 35  f) 19  g) 63  h) 151

i) 70  j) 270  k)180  l) 130

m) 1,250  n) 2,600  o) 2,800  p) 7,100

Today I would like you to do some addition and subtraction involving decimals.

Remember, decimals make no difference to how you add or subtract you only have to remember to keep the decimal points above one another, in a straight line.

Mixed Calculations

a) 4.6+2.5  b) 17.3+8.9  c) 14.7+55.8  d) 74.8+26.9

e) 7.35+1.43  f) 4.48+3.01  g) 7.04+2.59  h) 8.57+5.72

i) 5.72+1.39  j) 13.56+12.78  k) 28.14+2.87  l) 32.94+24.09

m) 8.5-2.3  n) 43.8-21.6  o) 72.4-25.7  p) 35.18-27.93

q) 7.58-6.31  r) 8.49-4.27  s) 5.08-2.01  t) 9.54-1.12

u) 5.24-3.17  v) 8.67-4.96  w) 5.01-2.43  x) 7.15-5.26

This is not how we would write out sums to find the answer so don’t write them this way in your jotter. Use place value, carrying and decomposition (borrowing) to find your answers.

I’ll post the answers to these tomorrow or you can send me your answers at:

Your spelling words for this week are:

process, resources, soldier, technique, weight, proposition, Saturday, stationary, texture, women

Today I would like you to organised your words into alphabetical order and then add prefixes or suffixes to make word families.


process – processing, processed, processor, procession, reprocess

After 19 chapters we are now finished, “How to Train your Dragon.”

I’ve assigned you some more books in Scholastic Books. Some are shorter but there is one longer novel that I think that you will enjoy.

I’m also going to give you the option to do some short comprehension exercises. I’m going to post three a day but you can choose to do as many of them as you wish. I’ll post the answers tomorrow.

Blue Light comprehension

Deep Space comprehension

Virtual comprehension


May is the month of Mary.

Today let us say the Memorare

Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary,
that never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection,
implored your help or sought your intercession,
was left unaided.

Inspired with this confidence,
I fly to you, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother;
to you do I come, before you I stand, sinful and sorrowful.

O Mother of the Word Incarnate,
despise not my petitions,
but in your mercy hear and answer me.


Now lets think about the different situations in which you could provide help to someone.

Read each of these situations and answer showing the ways in which you could help.

a) If someone was feeling lonely, I could….

b) If someone was feeling unwell, I could….

c) If I accidentally deleted half of my work, I could….

d) If I saw someone being badly treated, I could….

e) If I saw an animal in distress, I could….

As it’s Tuesday why don’t we follow the further adventures of, “Mi Vida Loca”

Remember you can still choose another task from your updated learning grid and there are other tasks on Sumdog, StudyLadder, FirstNews and Scholastic Books.

You can email me any of your work at:


Mr. McIntosh

Tuesday 5th May – Primary 5

Good Morning Fun Fives!

I hope that you’re all feeling great this morning and ready to go.

Let’s begin with the morning prayer:

God our Father, as we prepare to begin our day’s work we ask you to help us to use properly the many gifts you have given us so that we may fully benefit from our day together. Amen.

Health and Wellbeing

Yesterday we had a little bit of Spanish health and wellbeing in the form of a Hula. Today, let’s travel to France for an early morning disco! On y va! (Let’s go!)




Your spelling words are called ‘proper nouns.’ Proper nouns always require capital letters – in this case many of them are place names.

Today’s challenge is to work out the anagrams; I have jumbled up the letters in your spelling words but I have NOT added any capital letters, just to make it trickier for you!

When you work the answers out, please add capital letters.

sumfired        shourt          ebeander        nabo        reslome        loluolpa

sinevsner        wagglos        bredginuh        arrestran      bathrora       ray

Now, check your spelling against yesterday’s list.

Proper Noun Challenge


For each of the following common nouns, create a Proper Noun (the first one is done for you):

  1. girl          Julia
  2. boy
  3. car manufacturer
  4. film
  5. snack
  6. song
  7. Scottish castle
  8. loch
  9. dog’s name
  10. restaurant chain
  11.  country in Europe
  12. city in Asia
  13. river in Africa
  14. airport in South America
  15. cartoon character
  16. Pokemon character
  17. English premier league team
  18. language spoken in Switzerland
  19. soft drink
  20. actor/actress

Yesterday you were working on a tourist guide related to one of the towns/cities from your spelling list. Please complete this if you have not already done so.


Yesterday you were exploring numbers to one million, 1 000 000. Today we are going to work a little more on place value.

Can you find the following:



The answers will be posted tomorrow. Good luck!


Traditionally May is the month dedicated to Our Lady. In school, you would be creating a May Altar in your classroom. Today I am going to challenge you to make one at home.

Play the slideshow below for some ideas.



Grid Activities

For your last challenge today, please select one or two activities from the new grid (or from the old one if there is something you prefer).

After that you are finished for the day. I hope that you have a relaxing evening and I’ll see you tomorrow!

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