Primary 6 – Tuesday 12th May

Good morning Primary 6,

I hope that you all had a lovely weekend.

This week we are going to work on some problems that involve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Calculate the answers to these questions in your jotter.

Remember, decimals make no difference to how you add, subtract, multiply or divide you only have to remember to keep the decimal points above one another, in a straight line.

Mixed Problems

a) Sandra has been buying a lot of newspapers and magazines since the start of quarantine. She spends £7.58 on newspapers, £6.15 on puzzle magazines and £8.93 on celebrity gossip magazines every week. How much is she spending in total every week?

b) Could Sandra pay with a £20 note?

c) How much more is she spending on gossip than on news?

d) Her most expensive puzzle magazine is £1.99. If she stops buying it, how much will she be spending on puzzles?

e) Sandra stacks up her newspapers and magazines when she is finished reading them. Her stack is 2.7 cm tall every week. How tall will Sandra’s stack of newspapers and magazines be after 8 weeks?

f) The arm of Sandra’s couch is 42 cm high. How many weeks will it take for the stack to be taller than the arm of her couch?

g) When the stack of magazines reaches over the arm of Sandra’s couch how much money will she have spent?

This is not how we would write out sums to find the answer so don’t write them this way in your jotter. Use place value, carrying and decomposition (borrowing) to find your answers.

I’ll post the answers to these tomorrow or you can send me your answers at:

This week for spelling we’re going to look at a spelling rule. The rule is, “Silent E for V and U”

To avoid words ending in a ‘v’ or a ‘u’ a silent ‘e’ is often added.


true, blue, give, love

Make a list in your jotter of 10 other words where a silent ‘e’ is used to stop the word ending in a ‘v’ or ‘u’

I’ve assigned you some reading in Scholastic Books.

Here are three new comprehension exercises for today. You can choose to do as many of them as you wish.

I’ll post the answers tomorrow.

Oochigeas comprehension

Fuzz comprehension

Huberta comprehension


May is the month of Mary.


This week I want you to think about ways in which we can show good manners to the people that we are around every day. In your jotter write these headings and try to list some examples of good manners in each situation:

Good Manners in the House

  • Clean up after yourself
  • Say please and thank you

Good manners on the Computer

  • Clear your work from the home screen
  • Do not open other people’s files

Good manners at Mealtimes

  • Wash your hands before you come to eat
  • If you cannot reach something ask politely for it to be passed to you



As it’s Tuesday why don’t we follow the further adventures of, “Mi Vida Loca”

Remember you can still choose another task from your updated learning grid and there are other tasks on Sumdog, StudyLadder, FirstNews and Scholastic Books.

You can email me any of your work at:


Mr. McIntosh

P4/3 – Tuesday 12th May

Good morning everyone, I hope you had a lovely bank holiday weekend and are still staying safe.  Begin this morning with our morning prayer and an Our Father.

Literacy – Write out the words 3 times.  Use spelling strategies to help you spell them correctly.

P3 Common words – begin, follow, often, letter, woman

P4 Common words – quiet, quite, mumbled, important, quickly

Instructional Writing – Carrying on from last week, today I would like you to write the instructions for making a cup of tea or coffee.  You will need an adult to help or supervise with the hot water.  Think of the verbs you need to use to explain what to do.  I have attached a template for you but you don’t need to print this out, you can simply copy it into your jotter.

Making Tea

Remember to read a chapter of your personal novel today.


I have attached a mental maths challenge for you based on your times tables knowledge.  At the end, which times tables questions did you get wrong?  Go over this times table every day this week.

Times Table Challenge

We will continue with division this week.  In class, we used arrays to help us “see” divison.  Have a look at the clip below to help remind you.

Remember last week I told you that multiplication and division are related. The attached worksheet is a mixture of word problems that need either multiplication or division to work out the answer.  There are 3 pages of problems, choose 2 from each page.  Now remember that 8 x 4 is the same as 4 x 8 so don’t panic if you don’t know the 8 times table – you know the 4!

Multiplication & Division word problems


As the weather is so lovely and hopefully many of you are getting outside for some exercise or playtime, I thought it would be nice to gain some understanding of plants and flowers.  As we can’t go anywhere, many people are spending time in their gardens and the outdoors and perhaps planting seeds or flowers.  Maybe you have been asked to help.  Follow the link to gain an understanding on what plants need to live.

Something extra and fun!

My girls and I made puppets from paper this weekend and we put on a little puppet show for Darcey!  Here is the video we used to help us.  You might want to have a go!  It was good fun.

Primary 4 Communicants

Last week, Mrs Boyce publsihed the link for you to continue your Holy Communion preparation booklet at home.  I have attached it again below, try to complete as much of this as you can during this month.

Have a lovely day!

Mrs G 🙂




Primary 3 – 12th May 2020

Good morning primary 3,

I hope you all had a lovely and relaxing  long weekend.

I am glad the weather stayed nice for you, I hope we see some sunshine this week.

Please start today with our morning prayer. Do not forget to thank God for keeping us safe and well at this time. It would also be nice to say a prayer for anyone who is suffering.


Warm up:

Let’s do some oral counting to get our minds active this morning.

I wonder if anyone can remember the counting actions we use in class. You could even come up with some of your own.

Please practice counting up and down in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s.

Now think back to last week. What colour of task did you choose for your maths work. Please choose the same colour today.


Please watch this short video.

Now click on the link below to access your tasks for today.

Addition Red


Amber and Green:

Today these groups are going to be working on the same concept.

We are going to be revising adding multiples of 10.

Please watch this short video.

We are focusing on the addition part of the clip.

Click the link below to access a task for today.

Remember you do not have to print this. You can copy down the questions into your jotter.

Amber and Green Tuesday

Below you will find a link to a 100 square to support you in your work today.

100 Square

When you have finished your tasks there is a new Sumdog challenge available. Good Luck!



Please access the Scholastic website to find your new book for this week.

Once you have read the book then try the quiz.

If you have been assigned the book ‘News and Chews’ you do not need to read the whole book. You could read a chapter or 2 each day.

If anyone is struggling to access Scholastic please get in touch and I will try to help you resolve this.


Please select a phoneme from your spelling list.

Can you write a phoneme story?

I wonder how many words you will manage to include.

If you have already got to the end of your spelling revision list then please get in touch for the next set of words.

Health and Wellbeing

Remember how important it is to keep your body active at this time.

I have been trying some Zumba at home. Why don’t you give it a go using the video below.

Have a lovely day boys and girls.

If there are any questions then please contact me on or

Take care!
Miss McMullen x


Tuesday 12th May – Primary 5


Welcome back Fun-loving Fives!

I hope that you had a lovely, long weekend and are ready to start back to work!

As usual, we will begin with the morning prayer:

God our Father, as we prepare to begin our work today we ask you to help to use properly the many gifts you have given us so that we may fully benefit from our day together. Amen.

Health and Wellbeing

Today is Zumba Day!

Please follow the link below and join in!



Here is another verse for Macavity, this time written by Sofia. I’m sure that you will enjoy it!

Macavity Macavity naughty old  Macavity.
He’s broke the lockdown rules , he doesn’t know the gravity.
He thinks he’s far too cool to play by the rules.
Not social distancing , he’s acting like a fool.
Macavity broke into the chapel, to try and steal the gold
But he never thought Father Campbell would be quite so bold
The priest grabbed him by the neck and called 999
What a noise  he made, you could really hear him whine!
Father Campbell bravely held him by the hair
And when the police arrived
Macavity WAS there!

Terrific work, Sofia. Well done!


Literacy Task


Last week we revised proper nouns. This week we are going to look a ‘Collective Nouns.’  While a noun is the name of a person, a place or a thing a collective noun is a special name for a group of people, places or things.


noun:  ship                                   collective noun: a fleet of ships



noun: bee                                         collective noun: a swarm of bees

Task 1

Choose a word from the selection below to match each of the collective nouns:

flowers      trees      cows      football players      wolves      sheep

  1. A flock of ____________.
  2. A forest of ____________.
  3. A team of ____________.
  4. A pack of ____________.
  5. A bunch of ____________.
  6. A herd of ____________.

Task 2

What might you expect to find in each of these groups?

  1. a crew
  2. a gaggle
  3. a pride
  4. an orchestra
  5. a litter
  6. a shoal
  7. a bed
  8. a caravan
  9. a den
  10. a loft

Please note: there might be more that one answer to each of the above; however, you simply need to give me one.

Spelling Words

Last week we looked at towns and cities within Scotland. This week, we are going to extend that to several European countries and their capital cities.

France – Paris,     Portugal – Lisbon,     Spain – Madrid,    Germany – Berlin,      Sweden – Stockholm

Poland – Warsaw,  Austria – Vienna, Netherlands – Amsterdam,  Belgium – Brussels, Norway – Oslo

Today, select four pairs of countries and capitals. Try to make 3D versions of the pairs using clothes pegs or pebbles outside.


See if you can find the countries and cities on the map.


Please find the answers to the GOLD Challenges in the link below! Let me know hoe you got on.

GOLD Challenge Answers

Task 1

Today we are going to revise some division by your favourite times tables:

4x, 6x, 7x, 8x and 9x. Who doesn’t love a challenge?!

You will find a table wheel challenge attached. Please do NOT use a calculator – try to work them out mentally.

Division Wheel


Task 2

The second challenge involves solving a few problems. These are written in sentences – so make sure that you read each very carefully and work out what you are being asked to do before attempting to answer.

Word Problems

Answers will be posted tomorrow.


May Altar

Have a look at Rachel’s May altar which is beautiful. It looks like a peaceful place to pray and the candle, which Rachel’s mum lit for her makes it really special.

May Altar

Daily Angelus

During the month of May you can follow the Daily Angelus on the Diocese of Motherwell Twitter page.

Please click on he link below:


To finish today, please select one or two activities from the grid…and then enjoy a rest and a play!

See you tomorrow 🙂

Primary 1b- Tuesday 12th May

Good morning Super Stars 🌟

Did you enjoy your long weekend? I hope you managed to relax and have some fun!

On Friday, I got up early and went on a 13.5 mile bike ride. The sun was shining! It was amazing to get outside and admire the beautiful outdoors. I managed to spot some lambs, horses and cows as I was cycling past some fields.🚲

One thing I am finding difficult just now is keeping track of the days! What day is it today boys and girls? Perhaps you might like to sing the days of the week song to help you work it out.

Let’s begin our day with our morning prayer.🙏🏻

God our Father, as we prepare to begin our work, we ask you to help us use properly, the many gifts you have given us, so that we may fully benefit from our day together in school. St. Barbara, pray for us.

Here is today’s overview:


Below I will include any additional information that will help to support your child with the tasks that I have assigned for today.


ph phoneme

This week’s phoneme is ph. Emphasise to your child that this phoneme is made up of two letters p and h but when we put them together, it makes the same sound as the letter f. Ph makes a f sound. It is a tricky sound.

Geraldine the Giraffe- Sound hunt 🦒

Reading- Scholastic 📚

Most people have sent me an email and have been reading their assigned books on Scholastic. If you haven’t been able to access this resource yet and would like your child’s login details, please send me an email. or


Number Words

If you have access to a printer I have attached a file with number word mats that you might like to print off to help your child.


Guess my Word Game

Addition- Number bonds challenge ➕


HWB 🌽🍓🍉

Kids Daily Walking Challenge🚶‍♂️🏃‍♀️🏃🏻‍♂️🚶‍♀️

R.E. 🙏🏻

I hope you have lots of fun completing today’s activities. Remember you do not have to complete every activity, just try your best and I will be really impressed!

Before I go, someone wants to say HELLO!

It’s your friend DIPPY! He has been staying at home and keeping safe. 🐉

He misses you all soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!

Enjoy your day!

Miss McEleney🌈😊❣


Primary 2- Tuesday 12th May

Good morning Primary 2 and welcome back 🌟

I hope you all had a fantastic long weekend, are well rested and ready for another fun-filled week of learning. I had a lovely relaxing weekend chilling in my new hot tub. What did you all get up to? ☀️

Let’s start today off with our morning prayer 🙏🏼

God our Father, as we prepare to begin our work, we ask you to help us use properly, the many gifts you have given us, so that we may fully benefit from our day together.

 St. Barbara, pray for us. 

Here is today’s suggested online learning- Tuesday 12th May

It is not expected that you complete all suggested tasks, just do what you can. Remember to take plenty of breaks and stay hydrated throughout the day.

I hope you all have a great first day back, if you need anything I’m only an email away –

Keep safe and keep smiling  😁

Miss Shreenan 🌈💛

Primary 7- Tuesday 12th May

Hello Primary 7 🙂,

I hope you had a wonderful long weekend and are all well. After an extra few days off I am positive you will all be feeling refreshed and ready to get back to home learning. This is another short week so try your best to complete a bit of school work each day.

Let’s start our day with our morning prayer. 🙏🏻

God our Father, as we prepare to begin our work, we ask you to help us use properly, the many gifts you have given us, so that we may fully benefit from our day together in school.

St. Barbara, pray for us.

Here is the link to today’s learning activities-

Tuesday 12th May

Remember to take plenty of breaks and get out in the garden whenever possible.

If you need to ask me anything or you would like to share your work with me, I am just an email away. ✉

Have a terrific Tuesday! 😀

Mrs Butler 🌈❣️

Primary 1b Sumdog Maths Champion

Good afternoon boys and girls☺

Well done to all of the children who managed to take part in today’s Sumdog Maths competition. You have all worked very hard and tried your very best. The leader board was very close but we have a winner.

The winner of our maths competition is Daniel. 👏👏👏👏👏

Well done Daniel ! You have been crowned our MATHS CHAMPION this week! 👑🥇


Miss McEleney 😀❣🌈

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