We have a special birthday girl in our class today!
Happy birthday Rosa 🎈🎂
We hope you have had a wonderful day filled with plenty of birthday cake🎂
Love Miss McEleney and all your friends in P1b 😀
P.S, Dippy also has a special message for you!
I’m very sorry that this message is a little bit burnt. He was smiling so much that little bits of fire were popping out of his mouth when he was making your picture.
Yesterday I gave you a task on collective nouns. You had to find two answers for each collective noun.
Please see a selection of answers below. You might have had alternative nouns.
A flock of seagulls; tourists
A nest of vipers; hornets
A school of whales; fish
A team of oxen; ducks (in flight)
A troop of monkeys; dancers
A herd of elephants; buffalo
A colony of penguins; ants
A band of coyotes; gorillas
Don’t forget to send some of your collective noun pictures – I would love to see them!
Spelling Words
France – Paris, Portugal – Lisbon, Spain – Madrid, Germany – Berlin, Sweden – Stockholm
Poland – Warsaw, Austria – Vienna, Netherlands – Amsterdam, Belgium – Brussels, Norway – Oslo
Spelling Task
On Tuesday I asked you to select four pairs of words and to make 3D version outside.
Today I would like to take the remaining words and create a short travel blog. Research some of the countries and cities and provide some information for a would-be traveller. You might even add a picture or two.
I’m looking forward to reading them!
Collective Nouns
Please complete the following with nouns you have not used before.
Just for fun!
Try creating some collective nouns of your own. Select some plural nouns and see what you can suggest. See some examples of plural nouns below:
A __________________ of pencils
A __________________ of Janitors
A __________________ of X-boxes
A __________________ of scooters
A __________________ of schoolbags
You can use these or choose some of your own. Have some fun – then email them to me!
Yesterday we looked at a word problem Chilli Challenge. Please find the answers below:
Times tables can be tricky. It isn’t always easy to ask an adult if you are unsure as so many of them are working form home themselves also.
I have a task which will help you to learn your tables and to become more independent should you need help. Select a table (or more than one) that you find tricky. For those of you who are confident in tables to 10x, select the 11x or 12x table.
Look at the picture below and create your own table-checker! Genius!
Thursday Word Problems
There are two challenges for you to try today…you might even like to try both!
Please say a decade of the Rosary at your May altar. Think especially about the children in Primary 4 who should have been celebrating their First Holy Communion on Sunday. If you have written a little prayer for them, say it too.
Grid Tasks
Please select one or two tasks from your grid.
Just for fun…. Celebrate NHS and Keyworker Thursday… dance like no one is watching…and then clap tonight – 8pm!
That’s all for today, Primary 5. Mrs Goodwin will be with you tomorrow and I’ll be back with you on Monday.
I hope you are all well. Can you believe it is Thursday already?
Are you ready for another fun filled day of learning?
Let’s begin our day with our morning prayer.🙏🏻
God our Father, as we prepare to begin our work, we ask you to help us use properly, the many gifts you have given us, so that we may fully benefit from our day together in school. St. Barbara, pray for us.
If you would like access all you have to do is: Visit https://www.getepic.com/
1. Click log in.
2. Click students and educators
3. Then enter our class code: zhj1841
The competition begins at 9am and ends at 2.30pm. Who will be crowned today’s Maths Champion? I will announce the winner before 3 o’clock on our class Glow page. Good luck!
I would love to see some pictures of your wonderful work or a video of you dancing your heart out with your cool Zumba moves! Send me a little email or a tweet.✉️
Remember I will be back on later today to announce our Sumdog class champion. Give the competition your best shot! Look out for a post around 2.45pm.👀
I think Dippy wants to join in the class contest too!🐉
God Our Father, as we prepare to begin our work, we ask you to help us to use properly the many gifts that you have given us, so that we may fully benefit from our day together at school. St Barbara Pray for us.
Today is our Taught Writing day. We are going to be revising how to write instructions.
Instructions are a list of steps to tell someone how to carry out a particular task.
Have a look through the power point below to remind yourself how to write a set of instructions.
When you have completed your writing you might want to test out your instructions.
Remember if you chose ‘how to make a sandwich’ or ‘how to make a cup of tea’ then you will need some help from an adult!
Please send me some pictures of your fantastic work.
Let’s warm up by playing a round of hit the button. Just cut and paste the link below. You can choose multiplication or division and try to beat your top score. Good Luck!
I hope you are all well and have been working hard. I would love to see what you have been getting up to!
Let’s begin with our morning prayer and saying a ‘Hail Mary’. 🙏🏼
During this time I would like you to keep in your thoughts all of those brave NHS workers who are doing such an amazing job right now. Tonight at 8pm, why not go out and make some noise for them 👏🏻
God our Father, as we prepare to begin our work, we ask you to help us use properly, the many gifts you have given us, so that we may fully benefit from our day together. St. Barbara, pray for us.
Good morning everyone, how are you all today? Let’s begin with our morning prayer:
God our Father, as we prepare to begin our work, we ask you to help us to use properly the many gifts you have given us, so that we may fully benefit from our day together. St Barbara pray for us.🙏
Literacy– join in with your Jolly Phonics songs.
How many words can you think of with the ‘ph’ phoneme in them?
Can you think of the missing words in these sentences? Copy and complete.
1. There are 26 letters in the_______________ .
2. We took lots of ____________ when we were on holiday.
3. A _________ is another name for a ghost.
4. An _________ is a child who has no parents.
5. I call my friend on the ___________ every day.
I thought that you might like to watch this clip from alphablocks.
Practise reading all of the words in your word box. Remember… being able to read and spell all of your common words is a very important task. Choose another fun way to practise this weeks words.
Reading– I have assigned a book to you called “A Box Can Be Many Things”. Please read it aloud to someone in your family. Today I would like you to see what you can make out of an empty box at home. Use your imagination, a box really can be anything that you want. In my house we have made so many things from boxes: cars, trains, pirate ships, robots, TVs, treehouses. I’m sure that you can think of loads of other good ideas. Send me some pictures of your creations, I would love to see them.
Let’s start off with some counting.
Can you count to 100 in 1s? Count in twos to 20. Count in tens to 100. Count back from 30 to 1.
Let’s practise some more subtraction.
Here is a little game for you:
Mental maths train – select subtraction – up to 10 or up to 20.
Yesterday I asked you to complete worksheet 1 or 3, today you can complete either 2 or 4.
Health – choose 2 or 3 more of the fitness challenges that I posted last Wednesday and Thursday.
RE – Let’s say a special Hail Mary for anyone that you would like to pray for. Here is a little song for you, I wonder if you could listen to the music and try to sing along to the tune.
May is the month of Mary,
Month we all love so well;
Mary is God’s own Mother,
Gladly her praise we tell.
Mary is beautiful, Mary is fair!
Gladly we praise her
in song and in prayer.
Blue is the sky in Maytime,
Bright is the sun above,
Bluebells all nod in chorus
Joining our song of love.
Mary is beautiful, Mary is fair!
Gladly we praise her
in song and in prayer.
I hope you have a great day and can’t wait to see those pictures of your box creations.
How are you all? I hope you are well and ready to start your day.
Let us begin as we always do, by saying our morning prayer.
God our Father, as we prepare to begin our work today, help us to use properly the many gifts you have given us so that we may fully benefit from our day together.
Here are a few fun riddles to get our brains working this morning-
There’s a one-story house where everything is yellow. The walls are yellow. The doors are yellow. Even all the furniture is yellow. The house has yellow beds and yellow couches. What colour are the stairs?
I am often following you and copying your every move. Yet you can never touch me or catch me. What am I?
What has a spine but no bones?
What tastes better than it smells?
What has many keys but cannot open a single door?
I will post the answers to these riddles on Friday morning. I managed to get 3 out of 5 correct, can you do better?
Well done to Daniel McFall who is today’s maths champion . He came first place in the Sum Dog competition that was set as part of today’s activities. Daniel, you have a fantastic knowledge of multiplying and dividing whole numbers and decimal numbers by 10, 100 and 1000 . Who will be our next champion?
I will be back tomorrow morning with more daily activities.
Good morning boys and girls. I hope you are all well this morning and ready to start some work.
Every day in school, we say our Angel of God prayer, so after our morning prayer, let’s say this today.
Angel of God, my guardian dear,
To whom God’s love commits me here,
Ever this day, be at my side,
To light and guard, to rule and guide.
Note for P3!
Yesterday I made a mistake and copied the wrong common words. Apologies everyone, my eyesight is getting worse and I looked at the wrong line as I was typing! So here are the correct words for this week:
P3 – write, answer, began, heat, page
Write these out 3 times and write a sentence for each.
P4 – write a sentence for each common word I gave you yesterday. (quiet, quite, mumbled, important, quickly)
Yesterday I directed you to a lesson about plants and flowers. Today I have attached a comprehension exercise for you to complete based on birds in your garden. There are three worksheets. P3, I would expect you to be able to complete the first one. P4, the second and for anyone who may like to further challenge themselves, have a go at the last page.
Every day, we try to give you ideas and tips on how to stay active and healthy. Today I have attached a link which informs you of the importance of sleep and a regular bedtime routine. It is especially hard just now as everyone is out of their routine but you should try to get the right amount of sleep to help you stay healthy, positive and happy.
Remember, you have the grids if you feel you want to tackle some more tasks.