Primary 6 – Tuesday 2nd June

Good Morning Primary 6!!

It’s Tuesday, But you probably already knew that.

What you may not know is that we have been watching, ‘Mi Vida Loca’ on a Tuesday  but in Spain Tuesday is considered an unlucky day, especially Tuesday the 13th


Here are the answers to yesterday’s maths questions.

  1. 17x48p = 816p ,  2×52 = 624p,  816+624 = 1440p or £14.40
  2. Change everything to pence. 435p-75p = 360p,  360p÷3p = 120 pages
  3. 3000÷60 = 50 portions of rice
  4.  2000x£2.30 = £4,600,  700x£2.30 = £1,610,  50x£2.30= £115,  3x£2.30 = £6.90,  £4,600+£1,610+£115+£6.90 = £6,331.90
  5.  Change it all to pence,  61295p÷65 = 943 programmes
  6. Simplify and remove the decimal points,  4485÷975 = 4.6 or £4.60
  7. 24 cubes÷4 = 6,  6×3(to find ¾) = 18,  so 18 red cubes,  4 blue cubes and 2 green cubes to make 24.
  8.  Try a table, estimate and check

    Bags of Red

    Bags of Green Total
    1 1

    75+90 = 165p or £1.65



    150+180 = 330p or £3.30



    225+270 = 495p or £4.95

    (75p too much)

    2 3

    150+270 = 420p or £4.20

  9.  100x50p = 5000p or £50,  80x30p = 2400p or £24,  £80+£24 = £104
  10.  40%+15% = 55% leaving 45% still to visit,  45% of 250,000 is 250,000÷100 = 2,500×45 = 112,500 people
  11.  There are 5 blocks of 200g in 1kg, so divide by 5,  £7.50÷5 = £1.50
  12.  There are 4 stacks of 90p in £3.60 so she buys ¼ of a kilogram or 250g
  13.  Try a table, estimate and check
    Buy Lunch Packed Lunch




    £25+£75 = £100



    £50+£60 = £110

  14.  Change everything to grams and divide, 1500g÷30 or 150÷3 (the answer is the same) = 50 days
  15.  8x6g of fibre = 48g of fibre in an 800g loaf,  48g÷20 = 2.4g of fibre in each slice
  16.  Weight of matches = 45g-23g = 22g,  one match weighs 22g÷220 = 0.1g
  17.  Total cost of the journey is 114x£1.36 = £155.04,  cost for each person is £155.04÷8 = £19.38
  18. 35 apple trees cost 35x£24.75 = £866.25,  money left = £1200-£866.25 = £333.75,  £333.75÷12.50 = 26.7 so he can buy 26 pear trees but not 27
  19. £40÷4.25 = 9.41,  so they can buy 9 yo-yos,  9 yo-yos cost 9x£4.25 = £38.25,  they have 75p left
  20. If a quarter of the class are boys then three quarters are girls, so 18 is ¾, that means 6 is ¼. There are 6 boys in the class

How did you get on? They were a proper nightmare weren’t they. Today were going to go a little easier.

  1. Mr Gifford has 282,519 photos on his camera. His sister has 632,649. How many more photos does Mr Gifford’s sister have?
  2. Samantha has 438,670 DVDs in her collection. Tara has 234,548. How many DVDs do they have together?
  3. In an endurance race, George ran 366,264m. The winner ran 406,938m. How much further was the winning distance?
  4. Sam the giant ate 481,930 people. His dad ate 620,784 people. How many more people did his dad eat?
  5. In January, 1,470,306 people visit the swimming pool. In June the number of visitors increases by 1,742,465. How many people visit in June?
  6. On Monday, one million, four hundred and fifty two thousand six hundred and two people watched a football match on TV. On Wednesday, two million, eight hundred and ninety six thousand two hundred and eighty nine people watched a football match on TV. How many people watched the two games?
  7. A brand new Ferrari costs £1,180,205. In the sale, the price is reduced by £209,890. What is the new price of the Ferrari?
  8. A farm in Australia has 3,548,205 sheep, 1,709,878 cows and 11 dogs. How many animals are there in total?
  9. What is the sum of 4,332,892 and 3,769,247?
  10. There are 3,882,675 West Ham fans in the world and 9,920,249 Liverpool supporters in the world. What is the total number of West Ham and Liverpool fans in the world?

Remember, decimals make no difference to how you add, subtract, multiply or divide you only have to remember to keep the decimal points above one another, in a straight line.

This is not how we would write out sums to find the answer so don’t write them this way in your jotter. Use place value, carrying and decomposition (borrowing) to find your answers.

I’ll post the answers to these tomorrow or you can send me your answers at:

For spelling this week I want to look at another spelling rule.

The sound ‘sh’ represented by ‘ci’.

Some words use ‘ti’ to make ‘sh’. Words like station, nation or education.

When a longer word is formed from a root word, however, the ‘sh’ sound is represented by ‘ci’.

Copy these words into your jotter adding the missing letters

music – mus—–

space  – spa—–

finance  – finan—-

opti-  – opti—-

office  – offi—-

suffi–  – sufficient

face  – fa—-

grace  – gra—–

tactic  – tacti—-

electric  – electri—-

I’ve assigned you some reading in Scholastic Books.

On Thursday and Friday I put up a special announcement about the buddy letters that you should be writing to the new Primary 1’s.

I’ve now received letters back from about three quarters the class.  If you haven’t sent me your’s yet, now is your time to get it written.

Here is a link to the announcement.

Primary 6 – Important Announcement!

Here are the answers to yesterday’s comprehension exercises

Swine Answers

Secret Sense Answers

Manga Answers

Here are three new comprehension exercises for today. You can choose to do as many of them as you wish.

I’ll post the answers tomorrow.

Giant comprehension

Throw comprehension

Bear comprehension


The Feast of Pentecost is a very important celebration in the Church’s year and watching the short clip below will give you a snapshot of the importance of this great celebration.

The Feast of Pentecost is seen as the Birthday of the Church.

The Holy Spirit came to the disciples not only as a reminder that Jesus would always be with them but so that they received the strength and courage to continue to build God’s kingdom, not only in Jerusalem but to ensure it reached the ends of the earth.  In John’s Gospel on Sunday we heard not only about Jesus’ word but about Jesus’ action, “he breathed on them and said receive the Holy Spirit”.  Jesus’ breath gives new life, eternal life into the disciples, giving them the courage to go out and spread the word by being given special gifts. Jesus gave them the gift of speaking different languages to be able to carry out his work all over the world.

The Holy Spirit came to us in the Sacrament of Baptism and will or has come again to us in the  Sacrament of Confirmation.  Talk to an adult about your Baptism/Confirmation(if you have made it yet).  Think about all the wonderful gifts God has given us and give thanks to the Lord for all that we have to be glad of.  Just like the disciples we give thanks to the Lord of all the gifts he has given us.  We are so grateful to God for always being with us.


With the hot weather that hopefully we have all been enjoying we are going to look at ways to help us stay hydrated.  We know that we need to drink plenty of water and ensure we do that more frequently during hot days.

Another great way to enjoy the hot weather is with a lovely cool Slushie!!

Yum Yum.  Below there is a great recipe, with a little bit of science thrown in, that lets you make a slush with your hands!! Yip that is right you don’t need a fancy NutriBullet or a blender, just your hands.  So here goes :

Instructions to make a cool mouth-watering smoothie!!

  • Place one cup of your chosen juice into a small Ziploc bag and zip tight.
  • Place 4 cups of ice and half a cup of salt into a large Ziploc bag along with the juice bag and zip that tight too.
  • Shake the large bag over the sink or outside for 2-5 minutes or until the juice bag turns to slush.
  • Pour into a cup and enjoy!!

If you have your own recipe/method for making a Slushie please email this along with a picture of your Slushie to or upload it onto Twitter with an adult’s permission.

Time for, ‘Mi Vida Loca’

You can email me any of your work at:


Mr. McIntosh

Primary 1b- Tuesday 2nd June

Good morning boys and girls🙋‍♀️

Welcome to a brand new month! Let’s hope the sunshine keeps up!☀️

This is the last month of your first year at primary school. I can’t believe how fast time has flown by, it seems like only yesterday that I was welcoming you into our class for the first time. I wish we could be spending this last month together but I am just so glad that you are all safe and well. I miss you lots but we have lots of amazing memories in Primary 1b to remember to keep us smiling!

I was working in the hub yesterday, it was great to see some familiar faces from our school. I hope you managed to enjoy the sunshine and complete some activities from your home learning grid.

We will begin our day as always, with our morning prayer.🙏🏻

God our Father, as we prepare to begin our work, we ask you to help us use properly, the many gifts you have given us, so that we may fully benefit from our day together in school. St. Barbara, pray for us.

Here is today’s overview:



oo phoneme 📖 👀 👩‍🍳 

This week’s phoneme is oo


Here are some oo words for you to read and learn:







Geraldine the Giraffe- Sound hunt 🦒

Now I would like you to have a LOOaround your house to see how many oo words you can spot!

Phoneme Task✍️

oo words task

Reading- Scholastic 📖

Now it is time for you to have a look on Scholastic. I would like you to read the really good book that I have assigned for you!

5 Dr. Seuss Quotes about Reading | Imagine Forest

Reading Challenge Time🌶

One thing I love is listening to you all reading each day in class. I am really missing hearing you all read. I would love if you could record yourself reading your Scholastic book today and send me your audio/video clip. You could record yourself on Scholastic or use an IPad or phone to record you reading.


Time ⏰

I can tell from the pictures I have been sent, that a lot of you have been enjoying learning about time.

Look at the amazing clocks Layla and Chloe created. Well done girls!


 It is important that we can tell the time because we have to do lots of things at certain times of the day.

What time do you start school?

What time does school finish?

What time do you usually go to bed?

What time does Father Campbell stream mass live on a Sunday?

On Friday you were learning how to tell the time to the hour on the analogue clock. How did  you get on telling the time using o’clock?


When the short hand points to a number, this tells us how many hours it is.

When the minute hand is pointing to 12, it is showing a full hour.
We call this time ‘o’clock’.

Telling Time 🕰 

Join in and practise reading the time on the clock!

Parents, if you are looking for a clock to help practise o’clock with your child, I have included a useful link below. This is an excellent online resource which you can use to support your child.

O’clock time quiz🕐❓

Now it’s time to test your knowledge of time. Click the link below to take part in Rodd’s time quiz challenge. Good luck!

Tell the Time 🕘

Complete the worksheets below.



With the hot weather that hopefully we have all been enjoying we are going to look at ways to help us stay hydrated.  We know that we need to drink plenty of water and ensure we do that more frequently during hot days.

Another great way to enjoy the hot weather is with a lovely cool Slushie!!

Yum Yum.  Below there is a great recipe, with a little bit of science thrown in, that lets you make a slush with your hands!! Yip that is right you don’t need a fancy NutriBullet or a blender, just your hands.  So here goes :

Instructions to make a cool mouth-watering smoothie!!

  • Place one cup of your chosen juice into a small Ziploc bag and zip tight.
  • Place 4 cups of ice and half a cup of salt into a large Ziploc bag along with the juice bag and zip that tight too.
  • Shake the large bag over the sink or outside for 2-5 minutes or until the juice bag turns to slush.
  • Pour into a cup and enjoy!!

If you have your own recipe/method for making a Slushie please email this along with a picture of your Slushie to or upload it onto Twitter with an adult’s permission.


The Feast of Pentecost is a very important celebration in the Church’s year and watching the short clip below will give you a snapshot of the importance of this great celebration.

The Feast of Pentecost is seen as the Birthday of the Church.

The Holy Spirit came to the disciples not only as a reminder that Jesus would always be with them but so that they received the strength and courage to continue to build God’s kingdom, not only in Jerusalem but to ensure it reached the ends of the earth.  In John’s Gospel on Sunday we heard not only about Jesus’ word but about Jesus’ action, “he breathed on them and said receive the Holy Spirit”.  Jesus’ breath gives new life, eternal life into the disciples, giving them the courage to go out and spread the word by being given special gifts. Jesus gave them the gift of speaking different languages to be able to carry out his work all over the world.

The Holy Spirit came to us in the Sacrament of Baptism and will or has come again to us in the  Sacrament of Confirmation.  Talk to an adult about your Baptism/Confirmation(if you have made it yet).  Think about all the wonderful gifts God has given us and give thanks to the Lord for all that we have to be glad of.  Just like the disciples we give thanks to the Lord of all the gifts he has given us.  We are so grateful to God for always being with us.

🌟Primary 1b’s Wall of Fame🌟

Daniel’s excellent instructions on how to plant a seed. 🌱 


Aaron’s amazing common words. 😀

Matthew’s wonderful instructions on how to plant a seed. 🌱

Holly’s amazing sun hat designs! Can you spot what she is wearing? 🧢 

I hope you have a Terrific Tuesday boys and girls.🥰

Try your best and just complete what you can.

Have fun and take plenty of breaks!

Please get in touch if you have any questions. ✉️

Miss McEleney😀🌈❣️

Motivation GIFs | Tenor


Tuesday 2nd June – Primary 5



Good Morning, Fantabulous Fives!

Here we are for another day of home-learning!

Let’s begin as usual with the morning prayer:

God our Father

As we prepare to begin our work

We ask you to help us to use properly the many gifts you have given us

So that we may fully benefit from out day together. Amen.



Health and Wellbeing meets STEM!

With the hot weather that hopefully we have all been enjoying we are going to look at ways to help us stay hydrated.  We know that we need to drink plenty of water and ensure we do that more frequently during hot days.

Another great way to enjoy the hot weather is with a lovely cool Slushie!!

Yum Yum.  Below there is a great recipe, with a little bit of science thrown in, that lets you make a slush with your hands!! Yip that is right you don’t need a fancy NutriBullet or a blender, just your hands.  So here goes :

Instructions to make a cool mouth-watering smoothie!!

  • Place one cup of your chosen juice into a small Ziploc bag and zip tight.
  • Place 4 cups of ice and half a cup of salt into a large Ziploc bag along with the juice bag and zip that tight too.
  • Shake the large bag over the sink or outside for 2-5 minutes or until the juice bag turns to slush.
  • Pour into a cup and enjoy!!

If you have your own recipe/method for making a Slushie please email this along with a picture of your Slushie to or upload it onto Twitter with an adult’s permission.



First News: please select from assigned Comprehension, Crossword and Word Definition tasks. I have assigned a new selection from which to choose.

Scholastic: please continue with your selected book. If you have finished, please complete the quiz and choose another book. You should aim to read for twenty-thirty minutes each day. I have assigned new books for you to enjoy!


This week we are looking at words with -ow.

-ow can have two different sounds: -ow as in crown and -ow as in blown.

Today I would like you to read the words below and then sort them into two groups as follows:

growl      known      prowl      show      growth      scowl      clown

slow     blown     brown     throw     shown     down     frown     throw

Words with -ow sounding like cow                            Words with -ow sounding like window

Write a sentence using one word from each family.

Answers will be posted at 3pm today.


Cluedo: Literacy

Step 1

Decide on six characters. In the game you have Professor Plum, Miss Scarlett, Colonel Mustard etc. You can give your character a title e.g. Lord Lime, Captain Chloe -it’s up to you!

Step 2

Give each of your characters a colour and  a few characteristics: for example, Lord Lime might be green in colour, he might have a walking stick and he might be sneaky, dishonest and cunning.

Step 3

Think of a setting. In the original edition of Cluedo each room belonged to a mansion with nine rooms.

You can choose any setting – but it must have nine rooms also. It could be a castle, a spaceship etc. List the nine rooms.

Step 4

Decide on six accessories the characters might have e.g. a walking stick, a metal briefcase etc.


Draw each of your characters just like Top Trump cards. The top of each card should show the name of the character. Their clothes should clearly show which colour you have selected for them and each should feature the chosen accessory.

On the bottom of each card, write a brief description of the character based on the characteristics. You don’t need to add any categories or gradings (e.g. Magic 70 above).

Keep your cards somewhere safe.


Mental Challenge: Multiplication

Select: Level 3 or Level 4

Think carefully about which tables you know and which require more practice.

Select two to focus on and then choose one from the mixed section.


Yesterday we began looking at units of measurement we use in weighing: grams and kilograms.

There is a reminder for you below.

Kilogram and Gram

A gram is a small unit which is used to weigh objects. It indicates how heavy the object is.

A kilogram is made up of 1000 grams.

Yesterday we changed grams to kilograms and kilograms to grams. We’ll do a little more of that today.

Remember: 2kg = 2000g         4kg 630g = 4630g

Try these:

Change these to grams:

a) 62kg        b) 19kg        c) 58kg 241g      d) 13kg 827g      e) 1kg 52g      f) 26kg 305g      g) 87kg 2g

Change these to kilograms:

a) 8000g      b) 19 000g      c) 92 000g      d) 48 000g      e) 31 000g      f) 65 000g      g) 5000g

The weights below are in grams. Change them to kilograms OR to kilograms AND grams:

a) 87 000g      b) 16 000g      c) 4000g      d) 8900g      e) 15 400g      f) 3200g      g) 60 000g

h) 8564g       i) 9560g            j) 4750g       k) 1018g       l) 9040g         m) 8003g     n) 1003g

Answers will be posted at 3pm today.



The Feast of Pentecost is a very important celebration in the Church’s year and watching the short clip below will give you a snapshot of the importance of this great celebration.

The Feast of Pentecost is seen as the Birthday of the Church.

The Holy Spirit came to the disciples not only as a reminder that Jesus would always be with them but so that they received the strength and courage to continue to build God’s kingdom, not only in Jerusalem but to ensure it reached the ends of the earth.  In John’s Gospel on Sunday we heard not only about Jesus’ word but about Jesus’ action, “he breathed on them and said receive the Holy Spirit”.  Jesus’ breath gives new life, eternal life into the disciples, giving them the courage to go out and spread the word by being given special gifts. Jesus gave them the gift of speaking different languages to be able to carry out his work all over the world.

The Holy Spirit came to us in the Sacrament of Baptism and will or has come again to us in the  Sacrament of Confirmation.  Talk to an adult about your Baptism/Confirmation (if you have made it yet).  Think about all the wonderful gifts God has given us and give thanks to the Lord for all that we have to be glad of.  Just like the disciples we give thanks to the Lord of all the gifts he has given us.  We are so grateful to God for always being with us.

Please select an activity from your grid….and then you’re finished for the day! Well done, everyone! Time to relax and I’ll see you tomorrow.

Remember to email any tasks to me:

Primary 2- Tuesday 2nd June

Good morning my terrific twos!🌟

I am back earlier than expected…I am no longer needed in the hub this week so I will be posting our daily blogs as normal.

The summer months are upon us and the past few days have given us a good taste of it! I hope you managed to have some safe fun in the sun and we all remembered our suncream yesterday.☀️

I spent the afternoon meeting my best friends new puppy, Nola. She really wanted to meet you all and I knew you would all love to meet her too, so here is a little picture of Nola.🐶

We will begin our day as always, with our morning prayer.🙏🏻

God our Father, as we prepare to begin our work, we ask you to help us use properly, the many gifts you have given us, so that we may fully benefit from our day together.

St. Barbara, pray for us. 

Here is today’s suggested learning activities- Tuesday 2nd June

Don’t forget to take plenty of breaks and get some fresh air.

Have a terrific Tuesday Primary 2 and remember…

Miss Shreenan 🌈💛

Primary 7- Tuesday 2nd June

Good morning Primary 7,

I hope you all had a lovely day yesterday and enjoyed the glorious sunshine . Thank you to those who sent me over their best memory of their time at St Barbara’s. If you haven’t yet sent me yours over can you please do so today? Remember to either attach it to an email as a word document or just send it as an email.

Let us begin our day with our morning prayer

God our Father

As we prepare to begin our work

We ask you to help us to use properly the many gifts you have given us

So that we may fully benefit from our day together.


I found this Joyful June calendar and thought I would share it with you all as it has some great ideas to promote positivity.

I am delighted to share some fabulous work that I received from Niamh yesterday. Well done for creating an amazing acrostic poem. It was very informative and positive.

Niamh Fagan- Acrostic Poem

Remember to send any work that you would like posted on our blog to

Here is the link for today’s learning activities-

Tuesday 2nd June

Here are today’s Health and Wellbeing and This Is Our Faith activities-

Tuesday 2nd June- This Is Our Faith

The Feast of Pentecost is a very important celebration in the Church’s year and watching the short clip below will give you a snapshot of the importance of this great celebration.

The Feast of Pentecost is seen as the Birthday of the Church.

The Holy Spirit came to the disciples not only as a reminder that Jesus would always be with them but so that they received the strength and courage to continue to build God’s kingdom, not only in Jerusalem but to ensure it reached the ends of the earth.  In John’s Gospel on Sunday we heard not only about Jesus’ word but about Jesus’ action, “he breathed on them and said receive the Holy Spirit”.  Jesus’ breath gives new life, eternal life into the disciples, giving them the courage to go out and spread the word by being given special gifts. Jesus gave them the gift of speaking different languages to be able to carry out his work all over the world.

The Holy Spirit came to us in the Sacrament of Baptism and will or has come again to us in the  Sacrament of Confirmation.  Talk to an adult about your Baptism/Confirmation (if you have made it yet).  Think about all the wonderful gifts God has given us and give thanks to the Lord for all that we have to be glad of.  Just like the disciples we give thanks to the Lord of all the gifts he has given us.  We are so grateful to God for always being with us.

Tuesday 2nd June- Health and Wellbeing 

With the hot weather that hopefully we have all been enjoying we are going to look at ways to help us stay hydrated.  We know that we need to drink plenty of water and ensure we do that more frequently during hot days.

Another great way to enjoy the hot weather is with a lovely cool Slushie!!

Yum Yum.  Below there is a great recipe, with a little bit of science thrown in, that lets you make a slush with your hands!! Yip that is right you don’t need a fancy NutriBullet or a blender, just your hands.  So here goes :

Instructions to make a cool mouth-watering smoothie!!

  • Place one cup of your chosen juice into a small Ziploc bag and zip tight.
  • Place 4 cups of ice and half a cup of salt into a large Ziploc bag along with the juice bag and zip that tight too.
  • Shake the large bag over the sink or outside for 2-5 minutes or until the juice bag turns to slush.
  • Pour into a cup and enjoy!!

If you have your own recipe/method for making a Slushie please email this along with a picture of your Slushie to or upload it onto Twitter with an adult’s permission.

Have a terrific Tuesday Primary 7 and I will be back tomorrow morning with more activities for you to complete.

Mrs Butler


Primary 3 – Tuesday 2nd June

Good morning primary 3,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend in the sunshine.

Please scroll down to find your work for today.



Today we will be working on a new phoneme sound. Please click the link to find the new sound for your group.

New Spelling Words

Here are some videos to support you.

Group 1 – ‘ea’ phoneme

Group 2 – ‘gn’ phoneme

Group 3 – ‘se’ phoneme

When you have looked over your new sound please draw a phoneme flower in your jotter. How many words did you manage to include?

Can you write out your phoneme words 3 times each and underline the phoneme?


Please log on to Scholastic to find your new book for this week.

Read your book and complete the quiz.


Warm up – Please choose a times table and try to say it out loud.

Can you remember the times tables dances we learned in class?

Cut and paste the link below to access the super mover videos.

I would like you to look at the 2, 3, 5 and 10 times table songs.

Click on the link below to access a revision task.

Try to give yourself a challenge!

Red Task

Amber Task

Green Task

Have a look at your strategy posters if you need some support throughout your task.

Multiplication Strategy Posters

When you have completed your tasks you can have a go at our class Sumdog challenge.


With the hot weather that hopefully we have all been enjoying we are going to look at ways to help us stay hydrated.  We know that we need to drink plenty of water and ensure we do that more frequently during hot days.

Another great way to enjoy the hot weather is with a lovely cool Slushie!!

Yum Yum.  Below there is a great recipe, with a little bit of science thrown in, that lets you make a slush with your hands!! Yip that is right you don’t need a fancy NutriBullet or a blender, just your hands.  So here goes :

Instructions to make a cool mouth-watering smoothie!!

  • Place one cup of your chosen juice into a small Ziploc bag and zip tight.
  • Place 4 cups of ice and half a cup of salt into a large Ziploc bag along with the juice bag and zip that tight too.
  • Shake the large bag over the sink or outside for 2-5 minutes or until the juice bag turns to slush.
  • Pour into a cup and enjoy!!

If you have your own recipe/method for making a Slushie please email this along with a picture of your Slushie to or upload it onto Twitter with an adult’s permission.


The Feast of Pentecost is a very important celebration in the Church’s year and watching the short clip below will give you a snapshot of the importance of this great celebration.

The Feast of Pentecost is seen as the Birthday of the Church.

The Holy Spirit came to the disciples not only as a reminder that Jesus would always be with them but so that they received the strength and courage to continue to build God’s kingdom, not only in Jerusalem but to ensure it reached the ends of the earth.  In John’s Gospel on Sunday we heard not only about Jesus’ word but about Jesus’ action, “he breathed on them and said receive the Holy Spirit”.  Jesus’ breath gives new life, eternal life into the disciples, giving them the courage to go out and spread the word by being given special gifts. Jesus gave them the gift of speaking different languages to be able to carry out his work all over the world.

The Holy Spirit came to us in the Sacrament of Baptism and will or has come again to us in the  Sacrament of Confirmation.  Talk to an adult about your Baptism/Confirmation(if you have made it yet).  Think about all the wonderful gifts God has given us and give thanks to the Lord for all that we have to be glad of.  Just like the disciples we give thanks to the Lord of all the gifts he has given us.  We are so grateful to God for always being with us.

Have a lovely day boys and girls!

Please get in touch if you have any questions.

Miss McMullen x


Primary 7- Best Memory

Hello Primary 7 ,

One of today’s tasks is to write your favourite memory from your time at St Barbara’s Primary School. I think it would be a good idea for you to practise your typing and emailing skills by sending me your favourite memory via email. You can email me your memory at I am really looking forward to reading all of your memories.

Mrs Butler

Primary 6 – Monday 1st June

Good Morning Primary 6!!

It’s Monday, the beginning of a new week and of a new month.

Magnus was beating me at Connect 4 during Goldentime on Friday, but I accidentally knocked over the game before we could finish. So sad. 😢😂😢

June is important for a lot of reasons. It’s the middle of the year which means that 2020 is nearly half over already and the name ‘June’ may come from the latin word ‘iuniores’, meaning ‘younger ones’, like you.

Just think a whole month devoted to young people. Those Romans were pretty great (apart from all the slavery and murder and persecution and conquest and stuff).



Here are the answers to Friday’s maths questions.

a) 475 tickets

b) 25 shelves

c) 12x£9,800 = £117,600

£150,000-£117,600 = £32,400

If they sell 3 more cars then I estimate that they will make £27-£30,000 (3×9 = 27 plus the hundreds)

So, they need to sell 4 more cars to meet their target.

d) 8x30p = 240p or £2.40

£2.40-£1.92 = £0.48 or 48p.

It is 48p cheaper to buy kiwi fruit by the pack.

e) The product of 19 and 3.6 is: 19×3.6 = 68.4.

The sum of 2.87 and 3.5 is: 2.87+3.5 = 6.37

The difference between the two is: 68.4-6.37 = 62.03

f) 18×29 = 522

1000-522 = 478 stickers left

g) 2x£1.29= £2.58

£2.58+£8.95 = £11.17

£12.50-11.17 = £1.33

h) 1440÷12 = 120 packs

120x72p = 8,640p or £86.40

i)17×364 = 6188

6188+28 = 6,216 biscuits

j) Change it all to ml.

2,500ml-567ml = 1,933

1,933ml-650ml = 1,283ml or 1.283 litres

We’ve been doing questions like this for a while and it’s time for a proper workout.

  1. Mr Todd buys 17 drinks at 48p each and 12 drinks at 52p each. What is the total cost of the 29 drinks?
  2. A printing shop charges 3p per page and 75p for the cover. John pays £4.35 for his book, including the cover. How many pages are in his book?
  3. There are 60g of rice in one portion. How many portions are there in a 3kg bag of rice?
  4. 2753 people go to a sports event. Each person pays £2.30 for a ticket. What is the total amount of ticket money collected?
  5. Programmes cost 65p each. The total money from the programme sales is £612.95. How many programme are sold?
  6. Samira bought a present in France. She paid 44.85 French Francs for it. 9.75 French Francs equal £1. What was the cost of the present in pounds and pence?
  7. There are 24 coloured cubes in a box. Three quarters of the cubes are red, four of the cubes are blue and the rest are green. How many green cube are in the box?
  8. A shop sells 6 green apples for 75p and 10 red apples for 90p. Jason bought some bags of green apples and some bags of red apples. He spent £4.20. How many bags of each type of apples did he buy?
  9. A car boot sale charges an entrance fee of 50p for adults and 30p for children. 100 adults and 80 children pay to go in. How much money do they pay altogether?
  10. 250,000 people visited a theme park in one year. 15% of the people visited in April and 40% of the people visited in August. How many people visited the park in the rest of the year?
  11. Cheddar cheese costs £7.50 for 1kg. Marie buys 200 grams of cheddar cheese. How much does she pay?
  12. Cream cheese costs £3.60 for 1kg. Robbie buys a pot of cream cheese for 90p. How many grams of cream cheese does he buy?
  13. 30 children are going on a trip. It costs £5 including lunch. Some children take their own packed lunch. They pay only £3. The 30 children pay a total of £110. How many children are taking their own packed lunch?
  14. A packet contains 1.5 kilograms of guinea pig food. Remi feeds her guinea pig 30 grams of food each day. How many days does the packet of food last?
  15. Every 100g of brown bread contains 6g of fibre. A loaf of bread weights 800g and has 20 equal slices. How much fibre is there in one slice?
  16. A box contains 220 matches and weights 45 grams. The empty box weights 23 grams. Calculate the weight of one match.
  17. The cost for using a minibus is £1.36 for each kilometre. 8 friends go on a 114 kilometre journey. How much does each person pay?
  18. A farmer has £1200 to buy apple trees and pear trees. Apple trees cost £24.75 each. Pear trees cost £12.50 each. He buys 35 apple trees. How many pear trees can he buy with the money he has left?
  19. A school buys some yo-yos as prizes. The yo-yos cost £4.25 each. The school has £40 to spend on prizes. They buy as many yo-yos as they cab. How much money is left?
  20. In a class, 18 of the children are girls. A quarter of the children in the class are boys. Altogether, how many children are there in the class?

Remember, decimals make no difference to how you add, subtract, multiply or divide you only have to remember to keep the decimal points above one another, in a straight line.

This is not how we would write out sums to find the answer so don’t write them this way in your jotter. Use place value, carrying and decomposition (borrowing) to find your answers.

I’ll post the answers to these tomorrow or you can send me your answers at:

For spelling this week I want to look at another spelling rule.

The sound ‘sh’ represented by ‘ci’.

Some words use ‘ti’ to make ‘sh’. Words like station, nation or education.

When a longer word is formed from a root word, however, the ‘sh’ sound is represented by ‘ci’.

Copy these words into your jotter and practise them in any way that you choose:

music – musician

space – spacious

finance – financial

optic – optician

office – official

suffice – sufficient

face – facial

grace – gracious

tactic – tactician

electric – electrician

I’ve assigned you some reading in Scholastic Books.

On Thursday and Friday I put up a special announcement about the buddy letters that you should be writing to the new Primary 1’s.

I’ve now received letters back from about half the class.  If you haven’t sent me your’s yet, now is your time to get it written.

Here is a link to the announcement.

Primary 6 – Important Announcement!

Here are three new comprehension exercises for today. You can choose to do as many of them as you wish.

I’ll post the answers tomorrow.

Swine comprehension

Secret Sense comprehension

Manga comprehension


The Feast of Pentecost – 31 May 2020

“They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak”

“When Pentecost day came round, they had all met in one room, when suddenly they heard what sounded like a powerful wind from heaven, the noise of which filled the entire house in which they were sitting; and something appeared to them that seemed like tongues of fire; these separated and came to rest on the head of each of them. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak foreign languages as the Spirit gave them the gift of speech.”

The Feast of Pentecost brings to an end the Season of Easter and falls 50 days after Easter Sunday.  Pentecost celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit.  As we heard in the first reading of how the disciples were all together and how they were afraid now that Jesus had left them.  On this day they were given the gift of speaking many different languages so that they could travel far and wide to spread the good news.

We learn that God is always here for us, we just need to ask him for help if we are afraid, worried or feeling lonely.  He will answer our prayer and help us.  Especially in these times when we are feeling sad about not seeing our friends and families like we use to.  God will be by our sides to guide us through to better times.

Above you will see an image of Pentecost.  There are important symbols that are associated with Pentecost – we can read about them in the extract above from the Acts of the Apostles.   We also saw Father Campbell in his red vestments when watching Mass yesterday.

For today’s task I would like you to design your own Pentecost poster incorporating some of the important symbols of Pentecost.  This poster will remind us that the Holy Spirit is with us in everything we do. Please email your poster to or upload it onto Twitter with an adult’s permission.

Over the weekend hopefully we were all able to go visit a member of our family!  This has been something we have taken for granted all of our lives (as we probably did this every weekend or more).  From Friday onward this has been a very special time for many.  Hopefully your family don’t live too far away and you have been able to spend some time with them.  It must have been a great feeling to spend time, in our gardens, with loved ones.

How it has lifted all our spirits and given us such a positive boast.  If you were able to visit someone you have not seen during Lockdown you will know this feeling.  Hopefully it won’t be too much longer until we can see all of our family.

Today is also a new month/season JUNE begins our three months of SUMMER, can you believe it!! This too should make us feel more positive as hopefully we have lovely weather.

Being positive makes our world a better place and after all the changes that have happened over the last few months,  we will begin to see a brighter, happier, and more POSITIVE future ahead.

I would like you to take the word POSITIVE and write an acrostic poem.  (Remember you take the word POSITIVE and in large letters you write it down the left-hand side of your page and then write a word/sentence that begins with each letter of POSITIVE).

Here is an example for the word Welcome to let you see how your poem should look.


You can email your poem to or upload it onto Twitter with an adult’s permission.

Now to keep that positive vibe going let’s try a little Zumba.

Remember to have plenty of drinks throughout the day.  It’s going to be another hot day and we need to stay hydrated!!  Watch out for tomorrow’s post to give you another idea for keeping hydrated!!

You can email me any of your work at:


Mr. McIntosh

P4/3 Monday 1st June

Good morning everyone and hello to  June!!! Today is the beginning of a brand new month.  Summer has arrived wouldn’t you say? Hasn’t the weather been amazing?  I hope you have all managed to enjoy it this weekend.  I have water babies at the moment, my girls have hardly left the pool!

Let’s begin with our morning prayer and an Our Father.


Today, we are moving onto our common words.

P3 – through, sing, morning, colour, kind, walk, water, picture, once, until

P4 – counting, idea, thirteen, mile, music, speechless, running, interesting

Try rainbow spelling and pyramid writing for these words today.  Choose 4 of them and write a sentence for each.  Usually we write a little bit of weekend news on a Monday, so make sure you do this today. Tell me what you did this weekend.  You may have heard that we have moved on to a different phase of lockdown where we can meet up with one other household at a safe distance of course.  Did you do this?  Who did you see? How did you feel?  I had a lovely visit from my best friend and it was so lovely to see her.  We sat in the garden at a safe distance and had a great chat with an ice cream!  It really cheered me up and I felt so grateful for all the lovely people I have in my life.


Today we are going to revise Fractions.  We have touched on this a little in class way back at the beginning of the year, however see the video below to trigger your memory:

The next clip tells us how we write a fraction.  Here’s an example I would use in class, “if you had 9 sweets and you gave Alfie 4 and Jenna 2, you would write it like this:

  • Alfie got 4/9 (say in your head – Alfie got 4 out of the 9 sweets)
  • Jenna got 2/9 (say in your head – Jenna got 2/9 sweets)
  • So what did you get?  How many sweets were left after you gave Alfie and Jenna some?
  • The answer is 3.  So you get 3/9

Here are some worksheets for you to try, don’t worry if you think this is too confusing just now, we are doing it all week and it will become clearer to you as we progress. (Only pick one worksheet)

Stained glass Fractions

*Parents – you don’t need to print out, you can simply ask your child to draw the shape and shade in the correct fraction.

Health & Wellbeing

As I mentioned above, over the weekend hopefully we were all able to go visit a member of our family!  This has been something we have taken for granted all of our lives (as we probably did this every weekend or more).  From Friday onward this has been a very special time for many.  Hopefully your family don’t live too far away and you have been able to spend some time with them.  It must have been a great feeling to spend time, in our gardens, with loved ones.

How it has lifted all our spirits and given us such a positive boast.  If you were able to visit someone you have not seen during Lockdown you will know this feeling.  Hopefully it won’t be too much longer until we can see all of our family.

Today is also a new month/season JUNE begins our three months of SUMMER, can you believe it!! This too should make us feel more positive as hopefully we have lovely weather.

How positive did this little visit have on us.  Being positive makes our world a better place and after all the changes that have happened over the last few months,  we will begin to see a brighter, happier, and more POSITIVE future ahead.

I would like you to take the word POSITIVE and write an acrostic poem.  (Remember you take the word POSITIVE and in large letters you write it down the left-hand side of your page and then write a word/sentence that begins with each letter of POSITIVE).

Here is an example for the word Welcome to let you see how your poem should look.

You can email your poem to gw09grahamannemarie@glow or upload it onto Twitter with an adult’s permission.

Now to keep that positive vibe going let’s try a little Zumba.

Remember to have plenty of drinks throughout the day.  It’s going to be another hot day and we need to stay hydrated!!  Watch out for tomorrow’s post to give you another idea for keeping hydrated!!


1st June

The Feast of Pentecost – 31 May 2020

“They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak”

“When Pentecost day came round, they had all met in one room, when suddenly they heard what sounded like a powerful wind from heaven, the noise of which filled the entire house in which they were sitting; and something appeared to them that seemed like tongues of fire; these separated and came to rest on the head of each of them. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak foreign languages as the Spirit gave them the gift of speech.”

The Feast of Pentecost brings to an end the Season of Easter and falls 50 days after Easter Sunday.  Pentecost celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit.  As we heard in the first reading of how the disciples were all together and how they were afraid now that Jesus had left them.  On this day they were given the gift of speaking many different languages so that they could travel far and wide to spread the good news.

We learn that God is always here for us, we just need to ask him for help if we are afraid, worried or feeling lonely.  He will answer our prayer and help us.  Especially in these times when we are feeling sad about not seeing our friends and families like we use to.  God will be by our sides to guide us through to better times.

Above you will see an image of Pentecost.  There are important symbols that are associated with Pentecost – we can read about them in the extract above from the Acts of the Apostles.   We also saw Father Campbell in his red vestments when watching Mass yesterday.

For today’s task I would like you to design your own Pentecost poster incorporating some of the important symbols of Pentecost.  This poster will remind us that the Holy Spirit is with us in everything we do. Please email your poster to me or upload it onto Twitter with an adult’s permission.

Now, I know the weather has to be lovely today and it may be the last nice day for a while so please use this as a guidance.  We will work on common words all week but maybe whilst your in the pool or playing outside you can find some ways to learn them.

Enjoy the day and have lots of fun!  I would love to see some pictures of you enjoying the weather!

Sending you all a great big high five 😉

Mrs Graham



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