Primary 5/4 – Wednesday 13th May

Good morning everyone!

I hope you are all well and enjoying the work Mrs Grant and I have been giving you. I called Mrs Grant on Monday and it was lovely to speak to her and swap ideas about what we can do for you.

Athough it is hard not getting to see everyone I have been enjoying spending time at home with my little girl. She makes me smile everyday! What makes you smile?

Please see today’s activities below. As always, please get in touch if you need anything!


Diamonds – Diamonds_subtracting-2dig-noregrouping_NOBOR

Circles – Circles_2-digit-column-subtraction

Squares – Squares_subtracting-3dig_TZRRF


Mrs McGill

Primary 5/4 – Thursday 7th May

Good morning!

I hope you all managed to have some fun in the sun yesterday. Thank you for working so hard and to the parents who are keeping in touch with us. It is lovely to hear how you are getting on.

Please see below for today’s tasks.


Tomorrow is the celebration of VE day, which stands for Victory in Europe day.  It is the day Germany was defeated by the Allied forces marking the end of the Second world war.  You can read more about it here:


I hope you all have a lovely long weekend and I will be back with you next Wednesday.

Missing you all,

Mrs McGill

Primary 5/4 – Friday 1st May

Good morning everyone and happy Friday!

Another week of home learning nearly over!

Today is the last day to enter the road safety competition. If you want to take part please make sure you send a photograph to Miss McMullen today. Thank you to everyone who has already sent in photographs.

Normally we would all be going to First Friday Mass today but sadly we can’t. However, what we can do – and you need an adult to agree and help you – is to follow First Friday Mass on Facebook with Fr. Campbell at 10am. If we are lucky he might give us an extra, sneaky playtime!

Have a look at the calendar below. I am going to use this everyday in May to help me – maybe you could too?

See below for activities for today and for the DOM Daily Angelus Challenge Card.


DOM Daily Angelus Challenge Card

Have a lovely weekend and I will be back on Wednesday.

Mrs McGill


Primary 5/4 – Thursday 30th April

Good morning! How are you all? I hope you are wide awake and ready to go.

I have attached lesson plans below.


I want to say a big well done to everyone who is trying their best to complete the activties we are setting. Keep up the good work!

Take care,

Mrs McGill

Primary 5/4 – Wednesday 29th April

Good morning!

How are you all? I hope you are having a good week and staying safe. I have been enjoying working at home as I get to see my little girl but I do miss your smiling faces!

Here are today’s task. Try and complete what you can.


Thank you to everyone who has emailed me, please know that I am always here for you even if I can’t see you.

Take care,

Mrs McGill


Primary 5/4 – Friday 24th April

Good morning boys and girls!

Did you have a good sleep last night? I can’t believe it is Friday already, what a busy week! Yesterday I made my google logo, I have put a picture of it in the powerpoint!


Parents if you want to give any feedback on what we are providing please email me. I understand everyone’s home circumstances are different so we are trying to provide activities children can complete with or without adult support.

Have a lovely weekend everyone and I will be back on Wednesday! Stay safe and be kind to your family.

Mrs McGill

Primry 5/4 – Thursday 23rd April

Good morning boys and girls!

I hope you had a lovely day yesterday. Thank you to all the parents who emailed me and sent pictures. It is great to see your smiling faces.

Yesterday I had lots of fun playing in the garden with my little girl. Hopefully by this afternoon the sun will be out and you can get out to play for a while.

I have attached a powerpoint with the activities for today. Please complete what you can.


Have  great day!

Mrs McGill

Primary 5/4 – Wednesday 22nd April

Hi boys and girls.

Mrs McGill here today! I hope you had a lovely break over Easter and are ready to get your brains and bodies ready to work!

I  have attached a powerpoint with the activities for today. Please complete what you can.


If you have any questions please get in touch by emailing me at

Have a great day!



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