All posts by Mrs Docherty

North Lanarkshire Update

Each week North Lanarkshire Council will provide useful information to support you with home learning alongside the learning activities on our Glow site.

Here are some suggestions –

* create a timetable to put structure into your week. Planning will help reduce the stress and anxiety.

*decide what aspects of the daily routines will stay the same at home and use your child’s usual day as a starting point.

*serve lunch at the same time as it would be in school and encourage your child to use this time to catch up with a friend online to provide social engagement.

North Lanarkshire website aims to provide regular newsletters that will give you additional suggested health and wellbeing activities that you can do with your child. They will be based around the wellbeing indicators (Safe, Healthy, Active, Nurtured, Achieving, Responsible, Respected and Included).

The North Lanarkshire website will  also provide regular newsletters which will give you digital activities you can do with your child. These will focus on literacy, numeracy, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering Maths) and digital skills.

Here are the links to the latest downloads

Learning Together Healthy early level

Learning Together Healthy – first level pdf copy

Learning Together Healthy second level

Learning Together SAFE early_level_(1)

Learning_Together SAFE-_first_level_(1)

Learning Together SAFE second_level_(1)




Welcome Back to our Final Term

Our final school term for 2019 – 2020 starts very differently than anyone of us would have contemplated way back in August. Home learning and remote teaching are now becoming features of our day to day life that we would never have previously considered  but here we are and we need to make the best of things in such unprecedented times. As you know your child’s teacher has remained committed to ensuring learning continues for your child even in these strange times.  Please encourage your child to log into their glow account, to leave a comment for their teacher, give an update on what they have been up to and review the weekly plan that has been provided.  We really appreciate that home learning will place demands upon you as a parent but please do not put yourself or your child under stress to complete work.  Doing what you can and when you can will be enough.  We are acutely aware that there will be many opportunities for you as a family to spend time doing things you don’t often do together and these are all great learning opportunities and moments to cherish – gardening, baking, cooking, walking, cycling, playing board games, making your own board games, interviewing family members, making your own programmes/movies on the i-pad.  The list is endless.  Please share them with us on our school twitter but please remember not to post your child’s name alongside their image.  We would love to hear from you.  Please get in touch with myself by e-mail if you have a query you would like assistance with.

Please take care and stay safe

God Bless

Mrs. Docherty

Learning from Home – our new normal!

Hello everyone, I hope we find you all safe and well and adjusting to a new normal. It has been a priviledge to see the level of commitment shown across our school community as so many of our families find themselves working from home and home schooling their children. We don’t under estimate your challenge. We are all involved in a global pandemic that has impacted upon all our lives in some way. Teaching staff have been on hand all week and have readily communicated with pupils and reassured them at a time when everything is so new and strange for us all. I am sure you agree with me in saying they have done a marvellous job and have kept your children very busy. Glow has made contact between pupils,  parents and teachers possible and has  enabled us to guide children on the great many activities/learning they can participate in while also affording them an opportunity to share their own creative ways of spending their time at home.  It has been most entertaining. Please encourage your children to post a comment when they are on glow and to let their teacher know what they have been up to.  It is good to stay in touch.  Please remember to regulary check our school blog for news.  Our last post provided important information about the issuing of vouchers for pupils in receipt of free school meals.

I am happy to respond to any direct e-mails to myself if there is anything you wish assistance with in the forthcoming weeks.

Please take care and God Bless

Caroline Docherty

Important News

Free School Meal Entitlement

Dear Parents,

A new system is being set up for pupils who receive free school meals.  It will start on Friday 27th March and run throughout the current health crisis. Parents and carers of pupils who receive free school meals will be sent a message twice a week from the council.  It will include a voucher code for £10.00 (you will receive a total of £20.00 per child).

This message will be sent as a text message to your mobile phone, by e-mail or as a printed copy if you don’t have internet access.

You can use the voucher code at any shop that accepts Pay Point, for a list of your local Pay Point retailers visit and enter your postcode.

For more information, please e-mail the free school meals team on :



Parent Update – Key Workers

Parent Update

 St. Ambrose High School is the Hub that our pupils should attend tomorrow if you are a Key Worker.  St.Augustine’s will be closed. Please follow the link for information from North Lanarkshire Council.

Please note this service is for the children of key workers of the NHS and supporting services only.

No child should attend any school if they show any symptoms of Coronavirus COVID 19.