Numeracy Open Morning

Thank you to everyone who attended the Numeracy Open Morning today.  It was lovely to see so many parents, grandparents and friends of the school come along to support our event.

In the morning, classes were working on Numeracy using a range of practical resources, including Numicon.  After interval, Primary 1 parents took part in an Active Literacy workshop.

Don’t worry if you couldn’t come.  You can view the Numeracy presentation shared by Mr. Clark below:

Numicon was introduced to parents using this video:

And you can view the Primary 1 Literacy presentation below:

Active Literacy leaflets can be downloaded here

You can find out more about Numicon on the Numicon website.

Numeracy Open Morning – Tuesday 20th September

Dear Parent/Carer,

Stane Primary School Nursery Open Day September 2016

On behalf of the teachers and management team, I am delighted to invite you to attend our Primary 1 to 7 Open Morning on Tuesday 20th September 2016.

The morning will begin at 9am in the Main Hall, where I will highlight our key improvement priorities for the school session and share some updates about the year ahead.

At approx. 9.30am, you will have a chance to visit your child’s classroom to see them working on Numeracy and Maths.  At 10am, all parents can either visit their second child’s classroom, remain in the first class or join me in the hall for refreshments.  Parents of pupils in P2-7 will depart at 10.30am

Parents of Primary 1 pupils are invited to remain to see an Active Literacy lesson with their child from 10.45am- approx. 11.30am (This replaces the Active Literacy session postponed from the information session last term).

As we have limited space, a maximum of two adults per family may attend, and these must be parent/carers or grandparents.  Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate children under school age for this event and ask you to make alternate arrangements.

Class Teachers will not be able to discuss individual children during this time, however, Mrs. Scott and I will be available throughout the session to answer any questions.

I look forward to seeing you at this event.

Yours sincerely

Mr. Scott Clark

Head Teacher

What’s on 12th-16th September 2016

The lunch menu for this week…


The diary for this week…

Monday 12th September 2016

  • Calderhead High School Work Experience pupil in school all week.
  • P4-7 Dance After School Club (Gym Kit and Water Bottle required)

Wednesday 14th September 2016

Thursday 15th September 2016

  • 9.00am-10.00am:  Mr. Kane, Brass Tutor, working with pupils from P6 and 7.
  • 11.00am-12.30pm:  P5 Swimming Lesson at Shotts Leisure Centre (Swimming Kit and Towel required).
  • 3.00pm-4.00pm:  P1-3 Basketball After School Club (Gym Kit and Water Bottle required)

Friday 16th September 2016

  • 2.00pm-2.15pm:  Extra Playtime for pupils earning Silver or Gold.
  • 2.15pm-2.45pm:  Golden Time

Sports Day at Brandy Park

Today the boys and girls from P1 to P7 took part in the annual Sports Day at Brandy Park.  The weather wasn’t in our favour but that didn’t stop the boys and girls from having a great afternoon.

The P1 – P3 children enjoyed participating in the flat race, egg and spoon race, bean bag race and sack race.  The children competed against each other in their school houses: Herbison, Torbothie, Tulloch and Southfield.

The children cheered each other on and waved their house flags and banners as the races took place!

P4 – P7 enjoyed participating in the flat race, sack race and the team relay!  We were all extremely impressed with each class and we may have some future athletes in the making!!


A massive thank you to Sergeant Scott and PC McRobert from Police Scotland for assisting with today’s events by ensuring all children and staff made their way safely across Torbothie Road.

Thank you to all parents and carers that attended today’s events, your continued support is greatly appreciated.

The winning houses will be announced at Wednesday’s whole school assembly.  Well done everyone!

What’s on Week Beginning Monday 13th June 2016

This week’s lunch menu


General Information

Classes for August 2016

  • Letters informing parents/carers about which class their child will be in and which teacher they will have will be sent home on Friday.  These will be issued to children in a sealed envelope – please check your child’s bag for these.

Janitor Vacancy

  • A permanent Janitor has been appointed to take up post in August 2016.  Mrs. Black, currently the janitor at Kirk o’Shotts Primary School, will join the Stane team after the summer holidays.  She will visit Stane this week to shadow the current janitor.  We are delighted to welcome her to the team.

P1-7 Sports Day

  • Our annual Sports Day will take place on Monday 13th June 2016.  In the event of inclement weather, the text message facility will be used to inform parents as early as possible.
  • This year, the event will be a traditional Sports Day and will take place on the park opposite the school.  Primary 1-3 pupils will compete between 1pm and 2pm.  P4-7s races will be from 2pm-3pm.
  • All parents/carers are welcome to attend and are asked to remain in the spectators area which will be clearly marked.
  • Children should wear appropriate Sports clothing (in their house colours if possible).

Nursery Sports Day

  • The nursery sports day will take place in the playground at 11am or 3pm.
  • Parents/Carers are invited to attend and should arrive via the nursery entrance.
  • In the event of inclement weather, the text message facility will be used to inform parents as early as possible

After-School Clubs

  • The last session of the P1 Balance Bike club was last week.

Primary 7 Cafeteria Cards

  • Children in P7 will need to spend the balance on their Cashless Cafeteria Cards by the end of term as money cannot be refunded or transferred to their High School accounts.

School Diary – 13th to 17th June 2016

Monday 13th June 2016

  • Children in the nursery will be having a photograph taken today which will be given to all pupils as an end of term present.  Pupils should wear their nursery jumper if possible.
  • 12pm-12.45om- Early Lunch for P1-7.
  • 1pm-3pm:  P1-7 Sports Day (see above)

Tuesday 14th June 2016

  • 11.30am-12pm:  P5 Kodaly Music Lesson with Mrs. McGregor.
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm:  P4-7 Basketball Club led by Active Schools Coach (PE Kit and water required).
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm:  P1-3 Walking Club with Mrs. Pollock and Mrs. Robert (Outdoor PE Kit and water required).
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm:  P5-7 Cross Country Club led by Mr. Clark (Outdoor PE Kit and water required).

Wednesday 15th June 2016

  • 9.30am-10.15am:  Celebrating Success Assembly.
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm:  P1-3 Multi-Sports Club with Active Schools Coach (PE Kit and water required).

Thursday 16th June 2016

  • 9.00am-10.15am:  P5/6 Badminton Session (PE Kit and water required).
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm:  P5-7 Bikability Club led by Miss Tiffney (Outdoor PE Kit, bike, helmet and water required).
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm:  P4-7 Football Club led by Active Schools Coach (PE Kit and water required)

Friday 17th June 2016

  • 10.15am-10.30am:  Tea with Mr. Clark for Pupils of the Week and Workers of the Week from Wednesday.
  • 2.15pm-2.45pm:  Golden Time.


Primary 5, 6 and 7 put on a wonderful performance this afternoon of the Scottish Opera Musical, Fever!  The children have worked hard over the past few weeks to learn the songs and in just one day, worked with Scottish Opera to stage this active and energetic musical.  Well done to everyone involved on a wonderful performance.


Health Week 2016

What a fun and active week it has been!

The whole school and nursery  have been busy in a range of different health activities this week.

On Monday we were introduced to Health Week with a whole school assembly. Then Miss Tiffney worked with all of the classes to cover some aspects of HeartStart.

On Tuesday we had the Co-op visit for a fruit taster session as well as some of the classes participating in making their own healthy recipes.


On Wednesday there was an opportunity for everyone to experience circus skills and smoothie tasting thanks to Ian.


On Thursday everyone enjoyed participating in an Olympic Session run by Graeme.

The Paramedics came in the afternoon and worked with P3 upwards.

In addition each class aimed to complete a daily mile – some of the classes did this together.

It has been a really busy but fun week for everyone involved.

A big thank you to everyone who visited our school and made this week a great success.

An even bigger thank you to Miss Tiffney for organising everything.

Week Beginning Monday 21st March 2016

The school lunch menu for the week ahead:

What’s on this week…

Monday 21st March 2016

  • Entries for the Decorate an Egg competition to be handed in today.
  • Last day for pupils to purchase Easter Hamper raffle tickets (50p a strip)

Tuesday 22nd March 2016

  • 9.30am-10.30am:  Spring Prize Giving Service in Hall.  Parents/relatives welcome to attend – refreshments served from 9am.
  • 11.30am-12pm:  P5 Kodaly Music lesson with Mrs. McGregor.

Wednesday 23rd March 2016

  • 9.30am and 1.30pm:  High Five Fruit – Healthy Eating Workshop for Nursery pupils.
  • 9.30am-10.15am:  Celebrating Success Assembly
  • 10.30am-3.00pm:  P3 and P4/5 outing to Krispy Kreme.  School uniform to be worn.
  • 13.15pm-3.00pm:  Miss Law in P2 to deliver Roots of Empathy lesson.

Thursday 24th March 2016

  • 9.30am-2.30pm:  SSPCA delivering talks to P3-7/
  • 2.15pm-2.45pm:  Golden Time
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm:  P4-7 Football After School club led Active Schools Coach (PE Kit and water bottle required)
  • School and Nursery close at the normal times today.

Friday 25th March 2016 

  • Good Friday – School and Nursery closed.

Monday 28th March 2016

  • Easter Monday – School and Nursery closed.

Tuesday 29th March 2016

  • School and Nursery re-open at the usual times.
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