
Humph the Camel!

Over the past couple of months, our P1-P3 children and teachers have been working round the clock to prepare a wonderful Christmas show – Humph the Camel! Having performed a dress-rehearsal for school pupils yesterday, our little stars took to the stage to put on a fantastic showcase of acting, singing and dancing for parents and friends this morning.

The show was a huge success and our children and staff are looking forward to taking to the stage again at 6.30pm tonight for their evening performance! The morning performance was wonderful, and we are so proud of our Rochsolloch family today.

Our show has been filmed this year, and DVDs can be purchased from the school, at a cost of £5.  DVDs will be ready in early January.

Our resident photographer, Mrs Cochrane, has taken these terrific snaps!


Osiligi Maasai Warriors

Last year, Miss Rangeley and P5/6 studied Africa. The pupils wanted to know more about African tribal culture so Miss Rangeley and Mrs McCulloch organised a surprise visit for this session…

All of the pupils from the school and nursery were treated to an absolutely amazing performance of singing and dancing this afternoon, courteset of the Osiligi Maasai Warriors, who had travelled all the way from Kenya!

The children learned about the Massai way of life, and about the meanings of the different, amazing songs they performed.

Check out our Twitter feed for a short video clip of the men from the tribe showing us how they used to hunt lions!

This truly was a once-in-a-lifetime experience for our children. What an afternoon!


End of Term Celebration 2017

We sent our Class of 2017 off in style this morning with a marvellous musical assembly!

Congratulations to all of the children and staff involved – it was one of our best shows ever! Our children really are starting to look at home on that stage!

Take a look at the gallery of some of our performances:


P5 World of Work Assembly

This morning, P5 presented our last class assembly of the year to pupils, parents and friends. The assembly was all about the World of Work, which has been a big focus for our P5 pupils this session. Preparing pupils for life in the real world is such an important part of the job we do at Rochsolloch Primary School!

Our P5 pupils spoke confidently about their studies in class, sharing a great deal of what they have learned about life as a working person, including the skills and qualities they might need to be successful in their chosen career.

P5, we especially enjoyed:

* Learning which jobs you’d like to do when you’re older

* Hearing your singing – which was terrific

* Watching your excellent dancing

* The Incy Wincy Spider drama song

As always, the children were a credit to their class teacher, their families, and our school. We would like to thank P5 and Mrs Munoz for putting on such an excellent performance, as well as our parents and families who helped to turn the class out in such fantastic costumes!


P1E Teddy Bears’ Picnic!

On Wednesday morning, Mrs Polatajko and the children of Primary 1 Edinburgh hosted a wonderful family Teddy Bears’ Picnic!

The children sang beautifully, wrote about their bears and drew some excellent pictures. They also made some delicious jam sandwiches from instructions they had written themselves! Their guests then joined them in playing some parachute games, before they finished off their day listening to Mrs Polatajko reading ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt!’

We’re not scared!!!

Great job P1E; great job Mrs Polatajko! Check out the gallery below to see the fun!


P2 Assembly

P2 have been working very hard this term with Mrs Harper and Mrs Paterson, practising for their class assembly.  The children looked absolutely terrific on stage dressed as a motley crew of Scottish pirates and mermaids!  They shared a huge amount of class learning with their audience, and also displayed some of their fabulous topic work in the school dining hall.

P2, we especially enjoyed:

  • Your two wonderful songs
  • Learning more about the country we live in
  • Hearing about your favourite places in Scotland
  • The Mermaid Drama
  • Learning about different languages and dialects used in Scotland
  • Finding out about some fearsome pirates!

We would like to say a big well done to our pupils and teachers for working so hard to produce their performance for us today! Thank you also to our families and friends for joining us in such large numbers – you really help to make these events special!


P6/7 Japan Assembly

This morning, P6/7 presented an excellent assembly, all about Japan!

The assembly started and ended with some perfectly spoken Japanese, and included a magnificent Japanese karaoke version of ‘Let It Go’! That’s definitely a Rochsolloch Primary School first!

The audience were transfixed on our performers as they shared with us some of the wonderful learning that has been taking place in the class in recent weeks. P6/7 have truly covered the whole curriculum through this topic, investigating everything from sport to natural disasters – even making some delicious sushi!

The way the children presented their complex spoken lines was absolutely tremendous. They did themselves proud!

Thank you so much to all of our parents, grandparents and friends who turned out to help make this a great experience for our children. Thank you also to Mr Flanigan and Miss Findlay to preparing the children so well for this wonderful showcase!


P4/5 Vikings Assembly

Our pupils and guests had a real treat at school this morning, as P4/5 and Mrs Rodman presented an incredible assembly, all about Vikings!

During the assembly the pupils shared a huge amount of knowledge and displayed wonderful skills, including:

  • Several short drama pieces
  • Clear speaking and excellent presentation skills
  • Magnificent, tuneful singing
  • Bread making demonstration
  • News report

All while really looking the part in some amazing costumes!

We would like to say a huge congratulations to P4/5 and Mr Rodman – we think it was one of the best assemblies we have ever had at Rochsolloch!

Thank you so much to our audience, parents and guests who came along – for your lovely comments and for supporting the children with their terrific costumes and super homework projects.


P2/3 Sound Energy Assembly

This morning, the pupils from P2/3 and Mrs Hill presented an excellent assembly all about Sound Energy.

The children shared a wealth of knowledge about sound, including: how sound is created through vibrations, Morse Code, and how our ears help us with balance as well as hearing.

We also got to see how the children have developed their musical skills during their topic through excellent demonstrations of glockenspiel playing and drumming.

We really enjoyed the performance P2/3, and the feedback from your audience was first class!

Great job children; great job Mrs Hill!


P3/4 Titanic Assembly

Yesterday, P3/4 presented a terrific assembly, all about The Titanic.

The rain was so heavy that some of our guests may have needed a boat to get to the performance…but the hall was as busy as ever and the children did themselves proud as they wowed us with all of the knowledge they have built during their topic studies.

During the performance, we saw and heard about:

  • The five BIG QUESTIONS the class investigated
  • Some terrific folk dancing
  • Interesting information about the boat and its cabins
  • Two beautiful songs
  • Some absolutely incredible costumes
  • Confident speaking

We would like to say a huge well done to P3/4 and Miss Allan for presenting such an interesting and unique assembly! Thanks also to parents and carers for turning the children out so magnificently in their uniforms and costumes, and for helping the pupils with the wonderful homework projects they produced!


Rock On Rochsolloch!

Last night our pupils performed a wonderful rock concert in front of a jam-packed audience in New Wellwynd Church! Capping off the end of the Rookie Rockstars experience, our young rockers sang and danced their hearts out, amazing the crowd with their confidence and with the quality of their performance!

Take a look at the gallery and check out the fun our pupils had rocking out!

This really has been an amazing experience for our pupils, who have loved every minute of it.


Talent Show!

As you may know, our School and House Captains and Vice-Captains have been working really hard over the past few weeks to organise and run a school talent show.

Our show was held in the assembly hall this morning, and it was definitely a big success! Our Captains and Vice-Captains did a great job of presenting the show and the talent on display was fantastic!

Our audience were wowed with some wonderful singing, dancing, music, poetry, gymnastics, art and even some impressions!

Check out the gallery below and have a look at our 13 marvellous acts, who all performed on stage this morning:

We would like to say a huge congratulations to everybody involved, with an extra special mention to our winners:

Robbie, in 3rd place, singing ‘We Will Rock You’, who has won 50 points for his house!

Alex, in 2nd place, who performed some live art with audience participation, earning 75 points for his house in the process.

Lucy and Amber, who sang beautifully and finished as joint winners…earning a whopping 100 points each for their houses!


Rookie Rockstars Reminder

Don’t forget that our Rookie Rockstars concert is coming up on Thursday night.

There are still tickets available, which can be purchased from the school office.


Rookie Rockstars in the House!

As you will know, over the past few days we have been visited by the Rookie Rockstars, and have been having a blast preparing for our upcoming concert.

Our children have:

  • learned to sing rock songs with a positive message
  • learned choreographed dance moves to accompany those songs
  • designed CD covers to be used on our school recording
  • taken part in hilarious challenges, including Chubby Bunnies, a Rap Battle and Wrapping the Mummy
  • joined in with pop rock sing-a-longs
  • increased knowledge of musical terms such as chorus, pre-chorus and riff.

Have a look at the gallery below to see some serious rocking out!!!


Princess Cinderella

This morning at assembly time, our pupils were met with a wonderful surprise!  Instead of our normal Wednesday assembly, the boys and girls from P1-P7 got together with the children from All Saints Primary to enjoy a magical, hilarious performance of Cinderella!

What a terrific way for our campus family to start the New Year together…

Oh yes it was!


Christmas Service

On Wednesday, we held our annual Christmas Service in the school.  Each of our classes, and the School Choir performed a range of festive songs for the audience in our packed gym hall!

As our pupils get more and more used to performing on stage, the standard of performance just gets higher and higher and higher! There was a lovely mix of traditional and modern songs: some very lively and upbeat, others slower and more reflective.

Mr Hamilton did a great job leading the service for our pupils, staff and parents, and he was ably assisted by several excellent readers from across the school.

Each and every pupil on stage did themselves, their school and their families proud.  It was a lovely way to cap off a busy and successful festive spell!


Choir in the Community: Part II

The Rochsolloch Primary School Choir were out in the local community again today, this time spreading Christmas cheer to the residents of Broomfield Gardens Sheltered Housing in Gartlea.

The children set themselves up in the Hobbies room and performed some festive tunes for the residents and staff, with many of them clapping, dancing along and even joining in with some of the singing!

Mr Innes would like to congratulate the children for doing such a wonderful job yet again, and he would also like to thank Mrs Morrison and Miss Kane for accompanying the children today. Our support staff and parent helpers play such an important role in ensuring our children get to take part in these wonderful experiences.

The Choir will now finish preparing to sing at the Christmas Service, before moving on to some new songs for the new year!


Lights, Camel…Action!

This morning our hall was filled to the brim with parents, grandparents, relatives and friends who had all come along to see the shining stars of Primary 1 as they presented: Lights, Camel, Action!

The children presented the traditional Christmas story in a very modern way, where each group of characters from the story performed a dance to help tell their part! We saw some lovely line-dancing, some terrific tango, some beautiful ballet, fabulous funk, delightful disco and heard some spectacular singing!

Watching the children on stage is always a privilege and for our P1 pupils, it shows just how far they have come since starting school. Their speaking, singing, dancing and overall confidence was terrific to see.

The whole performance was incredible, and I’m sure everyone who was lucky enough to be in the audience would agree: FAB – U – LOUS!!!

We would like to say a huge thank you to all of the staff who worked tirelessly to make this performance happen, and of course to the pupils of P2, P7 and the School Choir for their involvement in the show!

The performances from today and from yesterday’s dress rehearsal have been filmed and will soon be made into a DVD for our audience to relive the experience, or for those who were unable to come along on the day!


Choir in the Community

The Rochsolloch Primary School Choir were out in the local community today, performing a half hour set at Airdrie Tesco.

A crowd of parents, grandparents, friends of the school, and members of the public soon gathered and the audience were thoroughly entertained by a mixture of modern pop songs and Christmas songs.

Mr Innes, Miss Duncan and Mrs McLean were so proud of the way the children sang and represented our school in the local area. We’re already looking forward to next year!

Thank you so much to everyone who was able to come along and watch and help make this a memorable and special experience for our young singers!


P5 and P5/6 Glasgow Gurdwara Visit

The following post was written by the pupils of P5:

P5 and P5/6 went to the Gurdwara on Wednesday morning last week with Mrs Munoz and Miss Rangeley. The children went to the Gurdwara to learn about Sikhism. Mr Singh and Mrs Kaur came to Rochsolloch Primary to teach the school about their religion. We decided to go so that we could find out more! We also thought that since Mr Singh and Mrs Kaur travelled to see us, we should travel to see them!

When we arrived we had to take off our shoes, put on turbans and wash our hands. People do this in the Gurdwara as a sign of respect to god.  We were taken upstairs and we were fortunate enough to hear some readings from the holy scriptures. We also learned a bit more about the ‘Five Ks’ of Sikhism and we had another shot of the musical instruments we got to play when Mr Singh and Mrs Kaur visited our class.

Our hosts were willing to share with us some traditional food including: spicy naan bread and mango juice, and our teachers were even given some vegetable pakora and chickpea curry!

We really enjoyed ourselves because we were made to feel very welcome and as you can see from the pictures we had a lot of fun! Thanks to Mrs Grimson and Mrs Lawrie for accompanying us on our trip!

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