Tag Archives: Lockdown 2020

Cressida Cowell – How to speak Dragonese

Sunday Song

During lockdown, song songwriter Tanita Tikaram is posting an acoustic song every Sunday

in case you are forgetting what day of the week it is.

This Sunday, Tanita was joined by illustrator, James Mayhew, who interpreted the music while Tanita played. Have a watch (and listen).


School Librarians’ Guide to Oz

This is a brilliant challenge especially for pupils in P7 joining us in August, all based on The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.

Taking part is really simple

  1. Look at the blog – you need to log into Glow to see it properly

2. Try the first challenges.

3. If you like it so far, read the first chapter. We’ve given you a link to read the book for free. You can even listen to a free version right now.

4. After each chapter look back at the blog, and try out some of challenges – as many as you like.

5. If you want to share your thoughts or your work with us, you can sign up to the Oz Team and  send us photos! We’ll share them with everyone else on Twitter so everyone can see how awesome you are.

Look on the OLHS Transition Team  on Glow for the code, and watch the Twitter account @schliboz.

Any other questions, just contact the school office and I’ll get back to you.

Live Music Now Scotland

Live Music Now Scotland supports talented young professional musicians in performing/training opportunities while taking inspirational live music experiences to a wide audience.

There are new videos being posted all the time on their YouTube channel, playing all sorts of music by young musicians in Scotland all currently performing from their own homes.

Definitely worth exploring 🙂


The Ickabog

The entire world probably know this by now, but J.K. Rowling is releasing a new story.

You can also get your illustrations in the published version of the book. Take a look at the website.

Young Scot Mental Health support

Young Scot have released two projects to support young people’s health and wellbeing, especially mental health.


The #ClearYourHeadChallenge, in partnership with Healthier Scotland, provides a different challenge every day for 31 days.

Take part in daily challenges across social media and check back here to see how others have taken them on! Available through Twitter and Instagram.



#AyeFeel is a database of information to look after your emotional wellbeing and answer questions about mental health, stress, grief, conflict, depression and healthy eating. There are ideas to help everyone cope with worries and anxiety, anger and conflict, sadness and grief with links to specialists and even a mental health jukebox, Feels FM.
