Category Archives: Films

Nature in your Neighbourhood – Film making competition

From Into Film

We want children and young people to create a short film and use nature and their surroundings in an engaging and creative way, to capture the calmness and document something they’ve noticed or appreciated while spending more time in their local area. Whether it’s in the garden, the local park, or even from inside the home, the natural world is all around us. Encourage children to get creative and use their natural surroundings to make a short film, 3 mins or under in length (including titles and credits) using what equipment you have in the home. Films can be made on a mobile phone, tablet or camera, and we have a range of filmmaking resources to help support you.

There’s lots of advice, resources and information (including the prizes) at the address below

Closing date: Friday 19th June

Into Film – lists of films

Into Film are an organisation for promoting film education to young people.  

During the coronavirus lockdown, IntoFilm are promoting a number of films available for free, free to stream or available via subscription services, and are also linking to activities related to those films.

The list is updated weekly so if you love film, it’s worth keeping an eye on.

And don’t forget Into Film’s Review Competition – more details here.