Our Lady of Good Aid Cathedral Primary School

June 26, 2024
by Graeme Young

Have an AMAZING summer!

You only need to scroll through our website newsfeed to see just what an incredible year it’s been here at Cathedral. Well done to each and every Cathedral pupil for your enthusiasm and hard work throughout this year, as well as to teaching and support staff for going above and beyond to ensure every learner has reached their full potential. Thanks too to parents, carers and parishioners for your ongoing support: it’s very much appreciated.

We wish all Cathedral pupils and families a fantastic break over the summer holidays. Have fun, stay safe and see you on Wednesday 14th August!

June 25, 2024
by Graeme Young

Cathedral designers showcase latest trends on catwalk

Come Clubbing @ Cathedral had a dramtic end of year finale on Tuesday 25th June when pupils took to the catwalk for an outstanding fashion show.

The talented bunch of pupils had worked with Audrey Reilly, Cathedral parent and fashion designer, over two months, starting with creating mood boards to help them design their own impressive creations. Pupils learned to size and measure their fabrics, sew by hand and use an electric sewing machine. Mrs Findlay, Cathedral’s Laudato Si coordinator, was particularly impressed by the children’s up-cycling to ensure sustainability.

Paris fashion week certainly made an appearance in Motherwell on Tuesday 24th and the rapturous  applause from families and staff for our young designers was thoroughly deserved! This Developing the Young Workforce venture could certainly find its way to a wardrobe near you in future years!

June 24, 2024
by Graeme Young

Primary 7 round off year at ‘C in the Park’

To mark the end of their time in Cathedral Primary School, P7 pupils enjoyed an afternoon of fun together at their ‘C in the Park’ music festival on 24th June. A live DJ kept the beats going throughout the afternoon and the children had the opportunity to get their face painted, visit the tattoo parlour, grab a drink at the cocktail bar or just chill with their friends. A pizza delivery kept the children’s energy levels up before the event finished with a water fight!

June 24, 2024
by Graeme Young

August – December Family Learning

Our August – December Family Learning programme has now been finalised. The first parent workshop, for Primary 1 parents and carers, will focus on phonics and literacy. This takes place on Thursday 22nd August, which is the first full week back, so it would be a good idea to pop the date in your diary this side of the holidays.

Along with the usual coffee mornings and learning showcases, there will be a workshop for all P1 – 7 parents and carers on further developments to Cathedral’s Active8 approach. This will include the opportunity to see Active8 in action in your child’s classroom and join in with some of their learning.

There will be a number of targeted Family Learning workshops delivered by our ‘A Team’ next session. The first of these is for parents/carers of pupils whose first language is not English and takes place on Thursday 5th September.

Please click on the link below to access our August – December Parental Engagement & Family Learning leaflet:

Aug – Dec 2024 Family Learning programme (1)

June 23, 2024
by Graeme Young

2024/25 classes and teachers

Information has now gone out to all parents and carers via Group Call to inform them of their child’s class and teacher for the new session. Mr Young’s accompanying letter can be accessed via the link below:

Letter re classes

Once again, we will have twenty classes next year, including a composite Primary 5/6.

Primary 1a:  Mrs Claire Gillespie

Primary 1b:  Mrs Colette Laird

Primary 1c:  Ms Melissa Forsyth

Primary 2a:  Ms Caitlin Tyrrell

Primary 2b: Ms Morven Jackson

Primary 2c:  Mrs Jacqueline McDerment

Primary 3a:  Mrs Kristin Carroll

Primary 3b:  Mrs Kelly Callaghan

Primary 3c:  Mrs Katie Loose

Primary 4a:  Mrs Leanne Tominey

Primary 4b:  Mrs Jacqueline McCulloch

Primary 5a:  Mrs Suzanne Devanney

Primary 5b: Ms Debbie Quinn

Primary 5c:  Mrs Laura Irwin

Primary 5/6: Mrs Jane McMillan

Primary 6a:  Mr Kyle Hamill

Primary 6b:  Mrs Karen Callaghan

Primary 7a:  Ms Nicole Cameron

Primary 7b: Mrs Jillian Shevlin

Primary 7c:  Mrs Nicola McLaughlan

We also welcome Mrs Nicola Burns to Cathedral in August. Mrs Burns will be joining our ‘Attainment Team’.

June 22, 2024
by Graeme Young

INCREDIBLE amount raised for vital charity

We are absolutely delighted to announce that, following Mrs Loose’s 10km run and Primary 7’s raffle and sponsored event, the final total (including Gift Aid) raised for ‘Braintrust’ is an incredible…


Many, many thanks to everyone who donated money for your love and generosity. It means so, so much to Mrs McCarthy and her family and will make a huge difference to ‘Braintrust’ as they continue to support the brain tumour community.

June 22, 2024
by Graeme Young

Primary 7 round off year with entertaining Learning Showcase

Primary 7 rounded off their final year of primary school with an entertaining Learning Showcase on Friday 21st June. They chose the theme of World War II and whisked their families and friends back to the 1940s to find out (amongst other things) about the start of the war, evacuation, propaganda and the blitz.

Weaved throughout Primary 7’s showcase were humorous interjections from an elderly Mr Young, Mrs Duffy, Mrs McCoy and Coach Willie (see above)! The showcase concluded with a Primary 1 and Primary 7 photograph of each pupil as the children sang ‘We’ll meet again’. The boys and girls then headed into the audience for a dance-off to ‘Celebrate Good Times’.

What an amazing Primary 7 year group they’ve been! Cathedral school community wishes each and every one of them happiness and success as they head off to high school.

June 17, 2024
by Graeme Young

Packed cathedral for Primary 7 graduation

Primary 7 pupils, along with their families and teachers, gathered in Our Lady of Good Aid Cathedral on the evening of 17th June to celebrate their Leavers’ Mass and graduation. The music was led beautifully by Cathedral school choir, under the direction of Mr James Greechin and accompanied by Mr John Pitcathley on the organ. In his homily, Fr Lamb encouraged the children to love God and love others as they move into a new chapter of their lives.

At the beginning of the graduation ceremony, Mr Young talked about running the race ahead of us and encouraged the children not to waste their time and energy either trying to stand out or fit in, but to discover the unique person God has created them to be. This was followed by the presentation of graduation bags containing certificate, hoodie, mortar board, Pope Francis Faith Award and high school tie before awards for Academic Excellence, Sportsmanship, Citizenship and Wider Achievement were announced.

The House Trophy was then awarded to the captains of this year’s winning House, Douglas, before the ceremonial handing over of the batons to our twelve new House Captains. The children rounded off the proceedings with a moving performance of ‘The Circle of Life’ from their recent school show.

Cathedral school and parish communities wish all of this year’s Primary 7 pupils every success in the future.

June 17, 2024
by Graeme Young

2023/24 Annual Improvement Report

It’s been another exciting year here at Cathedral and our 2023/24 Improvement Plan has helped our school and nursery community drive forward change to improve outcomes for our learners. Cathedral’s Annual Improvement Report can be accessed via the link at the bottom of this post. However, here are a few highlights of our improvement journey this year:

  • Our curriculum, delivered through our Active8 approach, has continued to provide engaging and challenging learning experiences for Cathedral pupils.
  • Staff have worked together to further improve learning and teaching, providing pupils with high-quality learning spaces, experiences and interactions. This is something we’ll continue to do through one of next year’s improvement priorities.
  • Our new approach to marking and feedback, the introduction of ‘Milestone Moments’ stickers and our bespoke ‘skills mats’ have equipped Cathedral pupils with the language of learning and ensure they are clear about their strengths and next steps.
  • We’ve embedded ‘Talk for Writing’ approaches from Primary 1 – 7 and, across all stages, at least 86% of our learners now reach or exceed their expected milestones in writing.
  • The Schools Singing Programme, funded by Motherwell Diocese, has given our Primary 4 learners weekly access to high-quality music lessons and supported our choir to go from strength to strength.
  • To ensure we are outward looking, we have worked in partnership with St John Paul II Primary, Viewpark, and St Andrew’s Primary, Falkirk, as part of this year’s improvement journey.
  • We‘ve invested in 60 new ipads for our Primary 1 – 3 classes and North Lanarkshire digital and computing progression pathways are ensuring pupils across the school develop increasingly sophisticated digital skills.
  • Our ‘Attainment Team’ has continued to deliver a range of targeted interventions, supporting a rise in attainment in literacy and numeracy across the school and helping Cathedral Primary make positive headway in closing the poverty-related attainment gap.
  • We’re making good progress in returning attendance to pre-COVID levels, with overall pupil attendance now over 93%.

Cathedral’s Annual Improvement Report, which provides detailed information on the school’s improvement journey over the past twelve months, can be accessed via the link below:

Cathedral Primary School AIR June 2024

June 16, 2024
by Graeme Young

Thousands raised for charity as Mrs Loose crosses finish line

A team of Cathedral staff headed to George Square on Sunday 16th June to cheer Mrs Loose over the finish line. As Cathedral families and friends know, Mrs Loose was inspired to run the Glasgow 10km by her dear friend and colleague, Mrs McCarthy, who was diagnosed with a brain tumour earlier this year. Both Mrs McCarthy and Mrs Loose have been blown away by people’s generosity and kind messages.

By the time Mrs Loose crossed the finish line, in an impressive time of 55 minutes, the total on her ‘Just Giving’ page had reached a phenomenal £3270 ! This money will go to ‘Braintrust’, a charity that delivers vital services to support the brain tumour community. There’s still time to donate by clicking on the link below:


Well done, Mrs Loose, on your incredible achievement!

And Mrs McCarthy: NEVER forget that your Cathedral family are always here with our love, friendship, prayers and support.

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