Welcome back, August 2023

We look forward to welcoming everyone back to school and nursery tomorrow morning. Breakfast Club opens at 8.15am as usual, for P.2-7 pupils. Primary 1 pupils will start at 9.30am on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. P.1 families should meet staff in the infant playground at 9.30am on these 2 mornings to allow us to help your child have a softer start to the school day. Click below to

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Mrs N’s Notes, 28.6.23

RETIREMENT NEWS It is with mixed emotions that we marked the retirement of Mrs Paterson, our Catering Manager, this week.  Mrs Paterson has fed more hungry kids and adults here than we could possibly count!  Due to ill health she hasn’t been seen in Kirkshaws for some time, but we were delighted that she was well enough to visit us for a short time yesterday for a celebration tea. As

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Mrs N’s Notes, 23.6.23

Week 2 menu on Monday of next week,  but a wee change of plan for Tuesday and Wednesday. Tuesday will be a fun day menu!  Nursery to P.6 will have the choice of hotdogs or veggie sausages.  P.7 will be treated to Domino’s Pizza, thanks to our Parent Council. As we finish at 1pm on Wednesday there will be no hot meals served.  Pack-a-snacks will be available to order.  Pupils

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Mrs N’s Notes, 16.6.23

  Week 1 menus coming up! We have  a number of bills outstanding.  Please ensure all payments are made in full before the summer break.  Thank you. SUMMER SHOW All tickets have now been sold for our Summer Shows next week.  I look forward to welcoming many of you on Monday afternoon (doors open 1.45pm) and on Tuesday morning (doors open 9.30am). Please enter and leave by the main school

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Mrs N’s Notes, 9.5.23

Menu 3 for the week ahead. RECENT ASSEMBLY PICS It is a delight to see our learners grow in confidence throughout this school year, proudly sharing their learning with other classes.  As we continue to build resilient attitudes next year, we will build on this success. CHS P.7 INDUCTION DAYS Our P.7 pupils will be attending Coatbridge High School for their 2-day visit next week.   There is also an open

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Mrs N’s Notes, 2.6.23

Week 2 Menus ahead If you pay for your child’s lunch, please remember to load money BEFORE they order.  Thank you.  Next week we hope to launch a new digital ordering system, where the pupils each order from their class Smartboard in the morning!  Big changes… HEALTH WEEK Yet another very busy Health Week organised by Mr Sharp…no-one does it like him!  From Inter-House competitions to adults Vs pupils sporting

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Mrs N’s Notes, 25.5.23

WEEK 1 MENU I know the dates don’t tie in now, but I have checked with our catering staff and we will definitely be eating from the Week 1 menu next week. HOLIDAY WEEKEND Remember we will close at the usual times today and meet back in Breakfast Club, school and nursery at the usual times on TUESDAY MORNING! HEALTH & WELLBEING Please remember to check your child’s hair regularly

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Mrs N’s Notes, 19.5.23

Week 3 Menu coming  up If your child pays for school lunches, please remember to add money to their lunch card BEFORE they come to school.  Thank you. PARENTS’ NIGHT Many thanks to all who attended our Parents’ Night last night.  It was lovely to catch up with so many families.  If you could not manage and would like to discuss your child’s progress at this time, please contact the

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Mrs N’s Notes, 12.5.23

Week 2 menus ahead. FUN 31 WEEK REVIEW Last week we had a ball, as we walked, played, laughed and bounced our way all the way up to the Coronation Weekend.  We are delighted to report that P.7 raised £107.60 during their Pitch Party, with all money collected going towards subsidising school trips this term. PARENT COUNCIL AGM Don’t forget, your Parent Council AGM will be held on Monday 15

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Mrs N’s Notes, 5.5.23

Week 1 Menu coming up. FUN 31 WEEK! I can’t thank our school community enough for all your support to make this week a fun week where our pupils have made happy memories. We were overwhelmed by the huge number of family members who joined us for our March for Change on Wednesday.  In addition to around 100 parents, grandparents and carers, we were delighted that Councillor Woods and Councillor

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