Mrs N’s Notes, 15.12.23

Week 3 menu coming up in the week ahead.  As always, on the last day of term (Friday 22nd December), there will be no hot meals served.  Pupils can pre-order a Pack-a-Snack or bring their own packed lunch. Please remember to add money to your child’s online payment account, if they do not qualify for free school meals. Registration for P.1, August 2024 Please bring the information below to the

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Mrs N’s Notes, 8.12.23

Week 2 menus coming up…but remember pack-a-snacks only on Tuesday as we’re off to the pantomime…Oh yes we are!  Pupils can also bring their own packed lunch and we will eat together when we return to school. Christmas Dinner was a huge success this week.  Many thanks to everyone who cooked, served, cut and cleaned up!  We LOVED IT! ASSEMBLY SUCCESS STORIES THIS WEEK CHRISTMAS PLANS Remember to refer to

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Mrs N’s Notes, 1.12.23

Week 1 menus coming up, but remember…we will enjoy our Christmas Dinner on Wednesday next week, so there is a MAJOR menu change there!  If you have not ordered a Christmas Dinner, your child should bring their own packed lunch.  There are no sandwiches or other alternatives on a Christmas lunch day. If you pay for school meals, this money should be added to your child’s card before Wednesday. CHRISTMAS

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Mrs N’s Notes, 24.11.23

Week 3 Menus coming up: Please remember, today is the final day to order a Christmas Lunch for 6th December.  If you have not yet returned your child’s order form, PLEASE CALL THE SCHOOL OFFICE TODAY as we need to make sure all the shopping is done on time! Remember, P.6 & 7 pupils need to pay for meals BEFORE they order them.  We have a number of pupils running

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Mrs N’s Notes, 17.11.23

Week 2 menus coming up.  Remember to return your Christmas Lunch order form if you haven’t done so yet.  We need to get the turkey and trimmings bought! PARENTS NIGHT Our Parents’ Night will take place next week, 23rd November.  If you haven’t yet booked your slot please do this as soon as possible.  Bookings will close tonight at 7pm.  If you need help, contact our school office.  Mrs Quinn

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Mrs N’s Notes, 10.11.23

  Week 1 menus coming up. IN-SERVICE DAY – MONDAY 13TH NOVEMBER Please remember that school and nursery will be closed to pupils on Monday.  This is due to a staff in-service training day.  We will open at the usual times on Tuesday 14th November. COFFEE MORNING We are delighted to report that our Parent Council managed to raise £265 yesterday at their coffee morning.  Huge thanks to everyone who

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Mrs N’s Notes, 3.11.23

Week 3 Menus ahead: STAFF CAR PARK Please remember that the Staff Car Park should not be used for dropping children off at any time.  This includes at Breakfast Club.  The car park is not a safe place for children to be walking and staff are having difficulty with access when parents are driving in and out.  All pupils know that they should be keeping safe and not using this

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Mrs N’s Notes, 27.10.23

Week 2 menus coming up… HALLOWE’EN FUN As always, our Hallowe’en Discos were a huge success.  We cannot thank our Parent Council enough for all the work they put into these events.  From the youngest in our nursery, right up to our P.7s and staff-members, we all had a fabulous night, dancing the night away! Please remember that our annual fancy-dress parade will take place on Tuesday morning.   Pupils do

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Mrs N’s Notes, 13.10.23

Week 1 Menu coming up after the holidays: PANTOMIME We were informed this week that the Motherwell Pantomime will go ahead as planned. The venue has changed to Ravenscraig, but the price, date, times, etc. remain the same.  This is good news to all here! Oh yes it is!! JUDO TASTER SESSION We were delighted to have Commonwealth and Olympic Judo medallist Louise Renicks in school on Wednesday giving a

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Mrs N’s Notes, 6.10.23

Week 3 menus coming up! OUTDOOR LEARNING As you know, Outdoor Learning is one area we wish to prioritise in our school improvements this year.  Listening to the views of pupils, parents and staff, we aim to make more use of the local environment as we take more learning outside. As a result, we are sending permission slips home today that will cover local walks all year.  We will always

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