The Week Ahead~ 5-9 March 2018

Although the snow remains, we are still hopeful that Breakfast Club, School and Nursery  will open at the usual times tomorrow morning.

Please follow the Council Twitter accounts and websites for the most up-to-date information, should weather conditions deteriorate.

We should be working from the Week 3 Menu this week. However, with no fresh food supplies arriving for several days, there may be some changes to this.  We will support children with their meal choices and update you as we know more.

New homework grids will begin this week.

We will celebrate World Book Day on Friday, 9th March.  Pupils are welcome to dress up as a fictional character or dress down in a onesie if they wish, but this is entirely optional. Everyone is invited to bring their favourite book to school.

We have a number of events postponed from last week that will be rescheduled as soon as possible.

Monday We are delighted to have made it through to the next round of the Netball League.  Our team heads off to Bellshill again today. (A full risk assessment of road conditions will take place before any journey begins.)

3pm – P.4-7 Football, but NO CROSS COUNTRY due to the ground conditions

Tuesday Staged Assemblies today.

3pm – P.1-3 Cheerleading & P.5-7 Archery

Wednesday Box Soccer, Growth Mindset training continues today for four classes.

Our Rights Respecting School Steering Group meets today.

After school clubs: P.4-7 Dance, P.3-7 Knitting & Crochet (Group 2), P.1-3 Football (Group 2)

Thursday We have a team heading to Coatbridge Library this afternoon for the first round of the Primary Reading Quiz.  Whatever the outcome, I am so proud of these young people, who have given up their free-time over recent weeks to prepare for this event.  Thank you!

Primary 5 continue swimming at The Time Capsule this afternoon.

A group of P.6 pupils from Room 9 have been invited to visit the Skills Academy in Townhead to learn more about WWll.

3pm – P.2-4 Archery (Group 2), P.5-7 Netball

Friday World Book Day – pupils are welcome to dress up as a character from a book, or dress down in their onesies. Everyone is encouraged to bring their favourite book to school. D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything And Read) time continues daily this week…listen for the bell to signal the moment we ALL join in!

We will enjoy looking at all the different costumes during our Celebration Assembly.

Our Playground Charter Steering Group meet again today to discuss progress since last week and plan next steps.

After school clubs today: P.1-3 Family Walking Football & P.4-7 Family Detective Club (Group 2)

Fundraisers Bingo Night – St James’ Chapel Hall.  Doors open at 7pm.


Remember to keep the evening of Monday 12th March free.  We will have TREE OF KNOWLEDGE leading a Parental Workshop from 5pm.  Letters came home with details of this last week.  To help us plan, we would appreciate it if you could return the tear off slip this week.


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