Mrs N’s Notes, 2.3.18

What a week!  That wasn’t quite the way we planned it, was it?

The week started off on a positive note, with us celebrating our new zig-zag lines painted on Old Monkland Road. With your help, we will continue to reinforce the message to keep the front of the school traffic-free as our children arrive and leave each day. We also began our World Book Day programme of events with DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) times each day.  Our Assembly on Tuesday also had a Book Theme, with an Inter-House Quiz and many exciting reading activities explored.

Then everything changed…thanks to the Beast from the East!

This week, the theme that seems to be running through so many of our activities is Working in Partnership.  Although many of our families do not use social media, we still managed to get the word out that school was closed, thanks to good neighbours and friends looking out for each other. We’ve seen evidence of so many of our pupils helping others in these very difficult conditions; clearing paths and driveways and going shopping for our more vulnerable neighbours. Exactly the way we want to see our Core Value of Friendship developing beyond the classroom walls. An unexpected positive to come out of a difficult situation.

Many of you have taken on a teaching role over the past few days.  Using ideas posted on the blog, on Twitter or sent home, you have worked tirelessly to ensure learning continues at home. You have also made the most of the snow and unexpected time off to spend quality family time making memories to last a life-time. Thank you.  We appreciate every photograph and comment shared!

Many of our learners accepted the challenge set by STEM Glasgow to build an igloo.  After seeing so many of your photographs, I talked my family into having a go.  What a learning journey that was!  Team work, resilience, patience and perseverance were all tested. So a HUGE Well Done to everyone who tried a Snow Challenge this week. This was not easy!!

There are House Points available to everyone who has carried out some Learning at Home tasks this week, or helped someone in need. Let’s continue to work in partnership…even when the snow clears.

At the moment, we are expecting to be back in school on Monday.  Keep checking the Council website and Twitter feeds for the most up-to-date information.

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1 Comment

  1. Fantastic update. Really enjoyed looking through it. Thank you.

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