Mrs N’s Notes – 26.1.18
Well, it was good to get back to some sort of normality this week. After school clubs got started at last and it was fantastic to see such an interest in our new Family Learning opportunities. Whether it was FITNESS, KNITTING, WALKING FOOTBALL or DETECTIVE CLUB, the parents and grandparents of the Kirkshaws family were ready to give it a go…with particular respect to those adults who have joined more than one of these new clubs! Old favourites, like Archery, Football and Netball restarted, alongside new clubs you have been asking for: Cheerleading and Dance.
As you know, we started the year with a focus on Family Learning and we hope this is something we can continue to build upon, with your support and input.
Our Netball team took part in the first of their league matches on Monday and we were delighted at their performance, enthusiasm and sportsmanship; before, during and after the event. Worthy Ambassadors for Kirkshaws!
I found myself at a wide range of meetings this week. These ranged from raising attainment briefings to transition planning with Coatbridge High School. There are a vast number of cluster events being planned, not just for our Primary 7 pupils, but for our younger learners too. Look out for more details coming home in newsletters or displayed in and around the school.
In assemblies this week we continued to consider our Motto: BELIEVE, ACHIEVE, SUCCEED! As a result, we celebrated academic achievements from all classes. Well done to each one of you!
Next week will see us celebrate the success of our Scottish Poetry and Art competitions…Ah cannae wait!!