Mrs N’s Notes ~ 20-24 Nov.

Yet again, it has been a busy week for Team Kirkshaws!

I am delighted to report that all 5 of our new sink units have now been fitted, and I’m sure you will agree they are looking splendid!  Our recent improvements were finished off with a lick of paint in my office too.  It’s all coming together nicely!

Other big events this week included a very busy Parents’ night.  There were lots of proud parents and happy children in and around Kirkshaws on Thursday night.  Many thanks to everyone who took time to complete the questionnaires circulating on the night.  We want to know your opinions so we can build on our successes.

We have had various ambassadors out and about, representing Kirkshaws again this week.  From Coatbridge High, to Asda and the Time Capsule…it doesn’t matter where our learners go, they always come back home with glowing reports.  Well done, everyone!

Christmas rehearsals are also well underway.  Look out for more information coming home next week about our various Christmas performances coming up.  It is sounding GOOD!

Unfortunately, the week ended with disappointing news for our P.7 children.  Many of you will have heard that Kilbowie Outdoor Centre has had to close to visitors over the coming week due to a sickness bug that has struck in recent days.  While the Centre undergoes a deep clean it is not safe for us to be there.  Staff at Kilbowie have assured us that they will aim to give us alternative dates as soon as they can.  I will be sure to keep you informed as soon as I know any details.

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