Mrs Wilson Weekly Update Week Beginning 8.6.20


This is the eighth of our weekly posts I am going to put out on the Monday of each week of term time to keep us all connected and let you know what I have been up to. Again this time it is a really early as I need to be in the hub on Monday and on Tuesday with the other Holy Family Staff Volunteers to take care of the children of the key workers.

Boys and girls last week was really busy as Mrs Le Blond and I were back in school getting ready for you all and completing risk assessments, signage requests and ordering fresh resources that we will need to give you each an individual learning pack. This will come complete with all your own resources so that you wont need to share anything with other pupils and can reduce the risk of spreading the virus that way.

I had a big meeting using Microsoft Teams with all of our staff so that when some of them come back on Monday they will know all about the procedures for sanitising their hands  as soon as they approach the building and then AGAIN once they have touched the door handle. They know that all the classroom doors have to be wedged open to avoid handle touching and they even have been given a toilet list so that only certain people use that toilet and reduce the risk of spreading the virus that way too – isn’t that clever ?

The staffroom only has 6 chairs in it now and no kettle either so everyone is bringing in their own drinks and packed lunch so they can eat in the classroom or outside as we can’t have too many people close together because of the virus.

This Friday 15th June we will be sending you out your text as to who your new teacher is going to be, that’s always an exciting day especially as one class is getting a brand new teacher Mrs Preston,who is joining us as a permanent member of our Holy Family Team.

The week after that we will be giving  each class a set time to drop off the textbooks at the front gate they have used this year so that we can clean them and prepare the learning packs you will all need for August. The good thing is that the virus can’t live on paper for more than  48 hours so we know all the individual books you will be given will be safe for you to put in your individual learning pack . When you come up with your books we will have your school report ready for you to take away. Mrs Crawford and Mrs Dillon have been printing them all off and putting them in envelopes – that was a big job believe me !!

Although I am still waiting for North Lanarkshire Council to tell us which recovery model the schools will be using ( that means the pattern of days each group or bubble of children will be able to come in for ) I sent out a questionnaire to your families this week that asked for their views about the way we have been trying to support you and what would suit you all best for August. I have put the feedback in the photos below so that you can look at this together as a family.

The comments sections are really useful for us and I am planning to put out a school response to those comments and suggestions once I have shared them with the staff too for their feedback. Enjoy reading and discussing them together.

Have a great week and please keep practising that social distance. Remember if you are close enough to pop someone else’s bubble then that means you are TOO close !

I hope you’re all keeping well and looking after yourselves and one another. I’m still missing you all very much.

Stay safe, stay happy, and stay kind. I hope you all have a lovely week.

God Bless

Mrs Wilson and all the team at Holy Family Xx





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