Category Archives: Primary 5

A Cake Fit for the Queen

Primary 5 have entered Poppyscotland’s competition to design a cake for The Queen’s 90th Birthday. If our design wins, it will be made into a cake for The Queen on board the Royal Yacht Britannia. The winner will also be invited to a VIP photocall and presented with their cake in June, as well as winning some arts and crafts materials for the class! Here are some of our entries…

Good luck everyone!

Primary 5’s First Week Back

Primary 5 have loved learning about our new topic- The Rainforest and Deforestation. We enjoyed looking at the 4 layers of the Rainforest- the emergent layer, the canopy, the understory and the forest floor.

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We have been making the most of the sunshine in PE. We worked together to measure how far we could jump in long jump. There are definitely some aspiring Olympic Athletes in the class!

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P5 Busy Bees

Primary 5 have had a busy time at school learning new things and taking part in different opportunities.

In maths, we have been learning about division. We made the most of the sunshine and practised our sums outside.

We have also been looking at the artist Piet Mondrian. We created some of our own paintings in the style of his work and we listened to swing music whilst we painted, just as Piet Mondrian did!

We really enjoyed cooking our fairtrade breakfast in the learning kitchen. We made blueberry and banana breakfast muffins and they were delicious! We used as many fairtrade products from the Co-Operative as we could.

World Book Day

P5 have had lots of fun completing different World Book day activities. We took part in a character parade and quiz. We designed a front cover for a book with the title “Ocean Monsters”, wrote a blurb about the story and created a character description. We took part in a book swap with our friends in class and we have designed a book token and a bookmark! We have been busy bees! Everyone who dressed up looked fab too!

Fun Volcano Afternoon

Today we were outside drawing volcanoes and we did an experiment to watch how a volcano erupts. These are the steps to make one erupt- a tablespoon of baking soda, 1/4 a cup of vinegar, 4-5 drops red food coloring and washing up liquid. Directions- 1. make sure the volcano is in a clear tray before performing the eruption. 2. Addthe baking soad to the lava tube 3. Mix the vinegar,food colouring and dish soap together thoroughly. 4. Add the liquid solution to the lava tube. 5. Stand back and watch the lava ERUPT. We started making our own volcanoes in class. We have covered a bottle with newspaper and made it look like a volcano. We are going to make our volcanoes erupt when they are finished and painted.

Written by Lewis and Taylor

Parents and Carers Try IZAK 9

Primary 5 would like to say a big thank you to everyone who was able to make the open event on Friday morning. We had a great time sharing our IZAK9 resource with you and showing you how we work together in our teams to solve the problems. We were very impressed at your problem solving skills and your German and French skills! We are glad you can now see how we have fun in maths!

Cool Characters

Primary 5 have been working hard this week to finish reading their novels. In pairs, the children were asked to summarise their novel thinking about what happened in the beginning, the middle and at the end. They then chose a character from the novel to draw on a big poster. Children then wrote their summaries on the back of their super drawings and they are now hanging from our ceiling for everyone to read. Well done for working so hard as a team!



P5 have been learning about 3D shapes. We have found some unusual shapes. We made 3D shapes from nets which is how they look when they are folded out.


In literacy we made up some questions about our novels for a partner. We swapped with our partner to answer their questions and then we had to mark their answers against our success criteria. Our success criteria was: to write our answers in full sentences, to use information from our book to answer the questions and to write the page number of where we found the information.

Written by Callum, Kayley and Erin M