Category Archives: Primary 3

Primary 3 -Guess My Number

We had great fun today playing some active maths games.  We really enjoyed ‘Guess My Number’ game.  Mrs McDaid wrote a 3 digit number on a piece of paper and taped it onto another pupil’s back.  Then the person with the number had to walk around the classroom and ask for clues to help them to guess the number, for example is my number larger than 500, are any of the digits the same, etc.  it was quite tricky as the rest of the class were only allowed to answer yes or no.  The children enjoyed it so much they are planning to do it as a homework task.

New P4’s Meet the Teacher!

The new Primary 4’s enjoyed a team building activity this morning where they had to work together to build the tallest freestanding tower using tape, skewers and marshmallows.

All the boys and girls worked brilliantly together and some teams managed to make a tower over 30cm high! Well done P4, I am excited for our year ahead. Miss O’Neill

Terrific Technologies

A big well done to all of P2, P2/3 and P3 who all worked very hard to create their own hand puppets. As part of Technology lessons they learned to plan and design their products, then to follow their design to create their finished product. The pictures show a great selection of the Easter themed puppets from P2 and also the rainforest themed puppets from P2/3 and P3.  Great work boys and girls.