Category Archives: Transition

New P4’s Meet the Teacher!

The new Primary 4’s enjoyed a team building activity this morning where they had to work together to build the tallest freestanding tower using tape, skewers and marshmallows.

All the boys and girls worked brilliantly together and some teams managed to make a tower over 30cm high! Well done P4, I am excited for our year ahead. Miss O’Neill

Kilbowie Disco

I’ve had a great week, brilliant fun and my favourite activity was skiing (Aaron C).

My favourite activities have been gorge walking and skiing. I slipped and managed to do a front flip into the water. Loved swimming in the waterfall (Jack F).

I liked the kayaking. Hi mum, I’ll be home tomorrow and I’ll buy Charlotte something from the Green Wellie (Jack G).

Hi mum, granny and grampa! I’m having a great time at Kilbowie and my favourite activity has been gorge walking (Dillon).

Ive had a great time and I can’t wait to see you all tomorrow. I will try and buy something for Ben from the Green Wellie (Ross).

Hi mum and dad. I’m looking forward to seeing you tomorrow (Brandon).