Fun Volcano Afternoon

Today we were outside drawing volcanoes and we did an experiment to watch how a volcano erupts. These are the steps to make one erupt- a tablespoon of baking soda, 1/4 a cup of vinegar, 4-5 drops red food coloring and washing up liquid. Directions- 1. make sure the volcano is in a clear tray before performing the eruption. 2. Addthe baking soad to the lava tube 3. Mix the vinegar,food colouring and dish soap together thoroughly. 4. Add the liquid solution to the lava tube. 5. Stand back and watch the lava ERUPT. We started making our own volcanoes in class. We have covered a bottle with newspaper and made it look like a volcano. We are going to make our volcanoes erupt when they are finished and painted.

Written by Lewis and Taylor

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