Category Archives: Outdoor Learning

Glenmanor Forest School

An information session  was held for nursery parents on September 23rd.  Parents had the opportunity to find out about the learning experiences that can be provided when the children visit the forest.  Parents were then invited to accompany their child on a walk to the site of our forest school and to assess the suitability of the forest environment.  The feedback from parents was very positive and we look forward to beginning our forest school sessions with our pre-school children very soon.

Welcome Chryston High Horticultural Group 23 September 2015

Our P6 pupils were delighted when Mr Jopling came down with his horticultural team today. We were pleased to see two former Glenmanor pupils return to their old school! The boys did a great job leading the P6 pupils to turn over the soil.

Mr Jopling had a look round our sensory garden and our community garden and gave Mrs Quinn some great advice and suggestions. We hope that we can work with the team to make our gardens a brilliant space for learning.

Thank you for helping us today! 🙂

Ready, Steady Cook!

We are proud to launch our class cooking challenge, Ready, Steady Cook!

Every class have been provided with potatoes and onions grown in our school garden. The challenge is to design, prepare, cook and serve a dish using the garden produce, ingredients from our dry store and a maximum of two other ingredients.

Classes will be judged on creativity, taste and presentation!

What do you think your class should cook?

Good luck everyone. image

Primary Six In The Garden

Primary six took advantage of our recent good weather and got working to maintain our school gardens.  Pupils worked hard litter picking, raking, weeding and preparing  our vegetable beds for planting.



Primary Six were also busy rehearsing for our school show ‘Is this the way to Amarillo?’ and I think that we are almost there!

We have been set a challenge to choose a recipe that includes onions and potatoes grown in our own school garden.   We will be judged on flavour, presentation and originality!  Pupils have been researching and found a huge variety of recipes to choose from.  We now need to decide which will beat the competition!




Outdoor Learning in Primary 3


During maths time, P3  were learning about time. The children focused on o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to the hour. The class enjoyed sharing their previous knowledge about time and they enjoyed testing eachother. The class enjoyed using a hula hoop for the clock face and they moved around the playground in groups trying to make as many clocks as possible with different times. Primary 3 enjoyed learning in the glorious sunshine!

Primary 5 Go Back In Time

Primary 5 developed their knowledge of 70’s playground games today. First they worked as a team to make a long rope out of elastic bands. The children then enjoyed the challenge of jumping over the long elastic band rope as it was raised higher and higher from ankle height all the way to ear height! We used our iPads to record each other’s learning.

Here are some of the children in action!

Glenmanor Achieve Success at Chryston Horticultural Show!

Glenmanor pupils did exceptionally well at Chryston Horticultural Society Annual Show today. Well done everyone! Read on to find out who won what!

Moodiesburn and Chryston District Pipe Band played outside Chryston High School Cultural Centre and Tom Clarke officially opened the show.

Inter Schools Challenge (age 10 and over) – We won the inter schools challenge with some very stiff competiton from Chryston High School! Their garden produce was outstanding! They grew these fantastic vegetables in their poly tunnel and we hope thar our garden academy can do the same this year!

Here are our inter school entries below. The red rosettes are first and the blue are second. 6 points for 1st and 3 points for 2nd. Our total score was 18! Here are two of our pupils collecting the trophy on behalf of Glenmanor.

Decorated Cupcakes (age 10 and over)  – Abby was 1st, Susannah was 2nd and Sophie was 3rd.

Greetings Cards (age 10 and over) – Jenna was 1st, Monique was 2nd and Leah was 3rd.

Garden in Miniature (age 10 and over) – Our P7 groups won 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

Creation or Craft (age 10 and over) – Abby was 1st and Beth was 2nd.

Krispie Cakes (age 9 and under) – P1a were 1st, P1b were 2nd and Campbell was 3rd.

Creation or Craft (age 9 and under)  – Niamh was 1st and Macie was 2nd.

Greetings Cards (age 9 and under) – Oliver was 1st,  Amy was 2nd and Kayley was 3rd.

Vase of Garden Flowers (age 9 and under) – Mrs Charles and her pupils won 1st, 2nd and 3rd.