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EMA Payments

The following guidance was received with regards to pupils receiving EMA in the current circumstances.

Those young people who are in receipt of EMA and who are unable to meet their agreed attendance requirements either through self-isolating, contracting the virus or through the learning institution being closed will continue to receive their EMA payment.’

Q If  schools/colleges close will EMA continue to be paid?

A The guidance states that anauthorised absence would include a scenario where the learning centre is closed due to unforeseen circumstances. This would apply in this instance.

Q Willstudents who are in Self Isolation because of Coronavirus receive their EMA payments?

A The guidance states that anauthorised absence includes ill health and additionally the breakdown of a student’s method of  transport to and from the institution, a scenario which could arise in future. This also applies to those who have self-isolated due to their parents/carers having health issues which put them at risk.

Q Will everyone whose application has been authorised on the system continue to receive EMA over any self -imposed isolation and/or complete shutdown of the schools/colleges?

A Yes. As stated above the guidance allows for absence for unforeseen circumstances, which is applicable in this current situation.  We appreciate that many doctors surgeries will not be in a position to issue medical certificates in most cases and would urge that you view such cases sympathetically and follow the discretion which the guidance allows.

Q If in future our office closes will you accept an electronic copy of the final claim instead of a hard copy?

A Yes, in these exceptional times with many people being advised to work from home we would accept an electronic copy.

Q Do schools require evidence that students have been advised to self-isolate because they are experiencing some symptoms?

A No

S3 Parents Evening and Options

Please note all pupils will be issued information regarding the S3 Parents Evening on Thursday the 20th of February starting at 4.15pm to 6.30pm.

In line with other North Lanarkshire secondary schools we are moving to an online booking system so that parents have more control on when they can book appointments. More details can be found in the link below, this letter will be issued today. Please note the booking system will not open until 7.00pm on Thursday the 6th of February.

Click Here: S3 Parent’s Evening Letter

Pupils will also be issued their option choice sheets in PSD classes this week where they will be asked to indicate what 2 subjects they will not be taking  forward into S4. The deadline for the return of the form is Tuesday the 25th of February. This is after the Parent’s Evening and should give pupils some time to discuss their option choices with Pupil Support and their class teachers if they are still unsure about their options.

It is important these are handed in by the deadline as classes will be made up fairly soon after this date. Late returns may result in pupils not getting their preferred option. These forms should be handed in to the front office.



S2 Parent Option Evening is Tuesday 28th January at 6.30pm. We look forward to seeing as many S2 Parents and their Sons/Daughters as possible.


Amy O’Keefe’s artwork has won a competition to be featured in the Specialist Crafts 2020 catalogue which is a fantastic achievement.

HPV Immunisation Programme

On the 15th of January the NHS Scotland Team will be in school to deliver the HPV vaccine to all S1 girls and boys along with the S2 girls booster immunisation. High uptake of the HPV vaccine has reduced levels of cancer-causing HPV in young women in Scotland by 90%. From academic year 2019/20, the HPV vaccine will be offered to S1 boys as well. Consent packs containing a letter, leaflet and consent form will be distributed to pupils and their parents/carers in advance of the first HPV immunisation session. Consent will only be asked for once, and this will cover all required doses of the vaccine.

More information at

GHS Christmas Tree Appeal

The Social Justice Committee’s goal this year is to do what we can to help disadvantaged kids in the local community. So far we have managed to do this through raising money for Cash for Kids.

This Christmas working in partnership with Kilsyth Community Foodbank Greenfaulds HS aims to spread a little Christmas cheer to those who find the festive period difficult. Click on the link below to see how you can help with our Christmas Appeal.

Click Here



The Biology Department are in the process of finalising a trip to Mexico in 2021 to take part in various conservation projects in the Rainforest. Anyone interested should contact the deparment for more details.


There is a Screen Writing/Acting Drama Club starting next Wednesday (27th of Nov) at lunchtime. All S1-S2 pupils are welcome. Any pupils that are interested should see Ms MacAngus in the Drama department.


Come and see Greenfaulds High School on Tuesday 3rd December in  Romeo and Juliet at the Theatre Royal, Glasgow.

Performed as part of the Shakespeare Schools Festival, tickets are on sale via…

Don’t miss it! Come along, be entertained, and support our pupils!

“Beautiful.. sharp and subtle… funny, classy and energetic ”

(A Midsummer Nights Dream, Greenfaulds High School, Shakespeare Schools Festival 2018)