Category Archives: P 1-3 Home Learning

Reading! Reading!Reading!!

Good afternoon,

I hope you are all keeping safe and well.

I am missing your happy  faces so very much!

So many of you are working hard to complete Sumdog,  Studyladder and Scholastic Reading Pro.

Well Done, the team at Chapelgreen are all very impressed!

Your teachers are working hard to provide lots of fun and interesting activities for you to do at home.

Keep checking the blog for updates.

Reading has been one of my favourite things to do whilst being at home. It helps me to relax and enter other worlds, whilst getting to know new characters.

I know many of you are Roald Dahl, J.K Rowling  and David Williams fans and your parents have informed me that you have been reading your favourite books at home.

You can write a review of your favourite book or complete a visualisation of your favourite character and send it to :

I would love to see them!

We have also provided you with a wonderful online reading scheme to use at home. Scholastic Reading Pro.

I see many of you have accessed it and have completed the quizzes. Great Job.

This week I would like everyone to login and have a short reading session. There are so many fabulous books for you to work through.  I will have a look to see how you are all getting on.

You each have books assigned to you. Enjoy and happy reading!!


Mrs Savva

Week Beginning 18/05

Hello boys and girls,

I am really missing everyone and would love to know how you are and what you have been getting up to! It would be great if you could write me a letter telling me all your news and I will write back!

Thanks to everyone who has been sending in their rainbow art, it is beautiful! Did you like mines?

There is still time to sends yours in if you want it displayed on the blog 🙂

Well done to everyone who has been giving the Sumdog challenges a go. Our Sumdog Champion this week is …………. drumroll…………..HANNA!

Well done Hanna for great work in the Division Challenge. Here is your certificate.

Keep it up everyone, I will be looking out for hard workers I can reward extra coins to! 🙂

Here is your weekly learning grid

Home Learning Grid 18 05

Here are the worksheets

STEM Activity – Dancing Salt                         Writing Task – Red/Green

Growth Mindset Colouring Pages                     Fixed vs Growth Mindset

Birdwatching Survey Sheet

Maths – Blue     Red       Green

Remember you can contact me if you have any questions about your learning this week 🙂

Stay safe

Miss Shaw x

I Spy A Rainbow

Hi boys and girls,

As promised here is my rainbow art! I had a little bit of help as you can see!! Mara was so excited to help create our rainbow!

I decided to use some bright coloured chalk and created my rainbow in the garden! Here is the finished result…

I hope you like it! We had loads of fun creating it!

Remember if you have created some of your own rainbow inspired art to send in some pictures!

Stay safe.

Miss Shaw x

Week Beginning 11/05

Hello everyone,

I hope you all had a nice holiday weekend.

On my daily walk I have been looking to see how many rainbows I can spot. I have noticed lots of lovely art displayed in windows and I even saw a rainbow on a tree! Next time you are out exercising count how many rainbows you spot and tell me down below!

One of your activities this week is to create your own rainbow inspired art. You are free to use whatever you want! Remember to send in your completed work to brighten up our blog, I will upload mines too!

I am glad more of you are getting involved in the Sumdog challenges and I am super impressed with the results! Well done to everyone who gave it a go! It was another close one this week for the Sumdog Champion but the winner is …………MIKEY!!

Well done Mikey! Here is your certificate for doing super well in the Time Challenge!

Keep up the great work on Sumdog and Study Ladder everyone!

Here is your weekly learning grid

Home Learning Grid 11 05

Remember to send in any pictures of your work or what you have been getting up to. I would love to see!

Stay safe

Miss Shaw x



Family Challenge- Extended Date of Entry


I hope you are all keeping well at these difficult times.  I am missing you all terribly.

I am sure many of you have been accessing this blog and the activities provided.

Last week a family learning challenge was provided. The closing date for this challenge was today. However this has now been extended for another week to allow for more entries.

 New closing Date:  11/05/20

Thank you for the wonderful entries we have already received . Lots of effort and hard work is evident.

For those who have not already entered please see previous post about the Family Challenge and also the  Fairtrade Challenge for details.

Be as creative as you can. Send your entries to :

Looking forward to receiving your entries.


Mrs Savva