Week Beginning 18/05

Hello boys and girls,

I am really missing everyone and would love to know how you are and what you have been getting up to! It would be great if you could write me a letter telling me all your news and I will write back!

Thanks to everyone who has been sending in their rainbow art, it is beautiful! Did you like mines?

There is still time to sends yours in if you want it displayed on the blog 🙂

Well done to everyone who has been giving the Sumdog challenges a go. Our Sumdog Champion this week is …………. drumroll…………..HANNA!

Well done Hanna for great work in the Division Challenge. Here is your certificate.

Keep it up everyone, I will be looking out for hard workers I can reward extra coins to! 🙂

Here is your weekly learning grid

Home Learning Grid 18 05

Here are the worksheets

STEM Activity – Dancing Salt                         Writing Task – Red/Green

Growth Mindset Colouring Pages                     Fixed vs Growth Mindset

Birdwatching Survey Sheet

Maths – Blue     Red       Green

Remember you can contact me if you have any questions about your learning this week 🙂

Stay safe

Miss Shaw x

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