Teen Talk Scotland Counselling
Our School Counselling service offer counselling and art therapy sessions to young people who would benefit from one-to-one therapeutic support. Referrals or enquiries can be made by contacting Ms Kelly
skelly@brannock.n-lanark.sch.uk. Upon receiving the referral, our School Counsellor will contact you or your parents to discuss your concerns. When you and our School Counsellor both agree that counselling or art therapy is suitable for you, she will arrange a regular weekly time to meet with you.
Online/ Telephone Drop-in sessions
Thursdays from 2.30 to 3.30pm
Starting the 21st of May, our school counsellor Valérie is offering online/ telephone drop-in sessions each Thursday from 2.30 to 3.30pm.
These online drop-in sessions are for young people or parents/ carers who are in need of some support or advice and would like someone to talk to.
The sessions are confidential unless information is shared about harm to yourself or others.
If you would like our counsellor to contact you during the drop-in in time, you can email her in advance at: valerie.art.therapy@outlook.com
Please include your name, year group and phone number.