Young STEM Leaders
YSL Pupil Improvement Plan 24-25
We currently have 10 Young STEM Leaders in Balmalloch that form our Young STEM Leader group.
In Balmalloch, we are a STEM Delivery Centre as part of the Young STEM Leader programme. Mr. Paterson completed the training in 2020 to deliver the programme as a qualified Tutor Assessor.
These children, under the guidance of Mr. Paterson, are following the Scottish Schools Education Research Centre (SSERC) programme – Young STEM Leader. The programme aims to inspire more young people to develop an interest in STEM and pursue the study of STEM subjects and relevant future pathways. In its Strategy for STEM Education and Training (2017), the Scottish Government committed to establish ‘a new Young STEM Leader Programme to stimulate and strengthen the development of peer mentoring and inspiration in STEM for young people by young people.’
Our Young STEM Leaders are working on the Non-Formal version that allows them to achieve certificates and badges. The non-formal version of the programme is offered at CfE Second, Third and Fourth Levels (YSL2,YSL3 and YSL4) and is underpinned by a framework that identifies the skills, knowledge and behaviours expected of a Young STEM Leader at each curricular level.
In the non-formal version of the programme, there are four elements, linked directly to the four badges
completed by YSLs: Discover, Create, Inspire and Lead. As YSLs progress to the formal version of the
programme, digital badges are replaced with formally assessed learning outcomes and performance
You can follow our Young STEM Leaders on Twitter – @balmallochYSL
You can read more about our group through our YSL Policy here – Balmalloch Primary School YSL Policy
Our Pupil Improvement Plan can be accessed here – YOUNG STEM LEADER PUPIL IMPROVEMENT PLAN 22-23